Depressed Puppy

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OKAAAYY. I decided I needed a (sorta) fluffy chapter so here. It may be a little short. Also, if you want some Jilly, I'm writing a chapter in my Marauders Oneshots series. This is still 6th year. Also, Also the next chapter will be about Depressed Remy-poo because mental trauma. yay.

Remus POV

I was on cloud nine.  SIRIUS LADIES MAN ORION BLACK was my goddamn boyfriend, AND NO- BODY ELSE KNEW. I smiled to myself. James would have a heart attack, Lily would be gobsmacked and then would whip out a journal and begin planning our wedding, Peter... Peter would. I stopped and considered this for a moment. What would little Wormy do? Hm. It was now February and I was still trying to figure out the best way to tell the other two marauders that we were dating. Stretching, I slowly began to drag my tired ass out of bed and into the shower, once again burning my hand on the stupid silver tap. After standing in the warm water for a good 30 minutes, I toweled off and realized that left all of my clothes outside on my bed. I sighed, wrapping the towel around my waist and stepping back into the dorm, where James and Sirius had woken up and were (probably) waking up the entire common room by playing a nice, innocent game of exploding snap. I guess they heard the door creak because they looked up at me and Sirius promptly dropped all of his cards where they exploded with a loud BANG. "What?" I asked, extremely confused. Sirius and James stared. Oh. I shrugged and pulled a jumper over my head as fast as I could, trying to look casual. James stood up. " 'sallright Moony" he mumbled. "You don't need to hide your scars anymore" I laughed. "Thanks Prongs but it's cold and I need my jeans" He quickly stepped aside, giggling. Sirius was still staring. I grinned. "Sirius? You can look away now" I said. He seemed to unfreeze. "Oh-what?" James gave him a weird look. "Well c'mon guys, we're gonna miss breakfast" Sirius shook his head and beckoned to me, slipping through the portrait hole. At breakfast, the owls came swooping in and I was surprised to see a regal looking owl, one I recognized as Sirius' mother's and deposited an envelope on Sirius' lap. Looking wary, he slit the top open with his fingernail and read the letter, his eyes growing wider as they continued down the page. All at once, he stood up and stuffing the envelope into his robes, he strode out of the Great Hall, banging the door shut behind him. James and Peter stared after him. "What was that?" asked James. I shrugged, trying to look unconcerned. "Must've been bad news" Peter rubbed his eyes. "Well he's got the map so we can't find hi- oh" he trailed off as I held up the map between my pointer and middle finger. Flipping it open, I looked around until I my eyes landed on Sirius' foot prints heading up to the Astronomy Tower. Oh my god, He actually might jump. Wasting no time, I sprinted out of the hall and charged up into the tower where Sirius was leaning on the railing. "How'd you get up here so fast Moony?" he asked nonchalantly. "Werewolf speed. What happened?" I asked. Sirius sighed. "My parents disowned me" he said, fighting back tears. I stepped up beside him and put my arm around his shoulders. Sirius leaned into my chest. "I decided to come up here" he said, voice breaking a little. "Too loud. Too many people" I looked out into the forest grounds thoughtfully. "You know, sometimes I like the sound of people" I said. "It reminds me that everyone else is out there too, trying their best, Just like you are Sirius." He smiled a watery smile. I wiped away the tears on his face and began leading back to the ground floor."Look Sirius, You know what? this means you are free from the painful life that you talk about at home" He rested his head on my shoulder. "Yeah, I guess. But they were my family" I nodded. "I understand, but James, Peter and I are your family too, remember that" He gave me a huge hug. "Thanks Remy" "You know what?" I mumbled into his hair. He pulled away and looked up at me. "What?" "You should change your last name" He snorted "To what?" "Lupin" I said, walking away. He stood frozen for a moment. "Wait, did you just PROPOSE TO ME?! GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE SHI- oh hello Professor McGonagall" I scrambled around a corner, wiping tears of laughter from my eyes and watching Sirius trying to explain away what had just happened. She just nodded and stalked off but I swear I heard her mutter something like "Now Albus owes me 5 galleons"

When the Moon and Stars CollideDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora