Naruto and Gaara left the room leaving Sasuke's towel.

After five minutes a very annoyed Sasuke came down the stairs with his bag. Everyone was in the cars already. Well except for Naruto who said he needed to use the bathroom when really he just wanted to wait for Sasuke.

Gaara, Sakura, Ino and Shikamaru all left with Minato. Leaving Naruto, Sasuke and Deidara with the car with Kushina.

Sasuke looked at Naruto "Where is everyone?" This was the quietest he's ever seen the house.

"I was waiting for you, everyone but Deidara already went up to camp. We need to stop to the store and I wanted to give you hug since I won't be able to touch you all week."Naruto's face turned bright red. 

"I didn't mean like touch you! I mean. I don't know, you know what I mean right?" Naruto exclaimed.

Sasuke smiled and hugged Naruto. Naruto gladly hugged back and gave him a quick peck on the lips before running out of the house.

Sasuke followed close behind him both Naruto and Sasuke got into the back of the car Deidara was sitting in the front. They both put their head phones in and prepared for the trip.

When they reached the camp all three of them took out of their headphones, Kushina slowly drove in the camp, they passed a small swing set, a beautiful large open lake, a shower place, bathrooms, laundry building, and arcade building and lastly a pool. This place was nice.

Kushina drove up a graveled road all the way to the back of the camp. They got a camp site all the way in the back near all the trails and small rivers and creeks.

Naruto was staring out the window his eyes shining with excitement. "This is going to be fun!" Naruto squealed.

"Yeah this place is actually really nice" Deidara commented excited to start drawing the lake while the sun was still hitting it.

Naruto nodded his head and looked at Sasuke. Sasuke smiled at him and then looked out his window.

They reached the camp, Gaara, Minato and Shikamaru were setting up the last tent while Sakura and Ino were putting their blankets in their tent.

Kushina and Minato were sharing a tent, Shikamaru and Naruto also sharing one. Sasuke, Gaara and Deidara in the largest tent.

Naruto got out of the car and grabbed his and Shikamaru's bags he dropped them in the tent and then ran back to the SUV to get the  blankets out.

Naruto walked into the tent closest to the hammock hanging between two trees, the camp site was very big, none of the tents were near each other. But they weren't too far away.

Naruto laid down the biggest blanket on the ground of the tent and then one more to make it a little more comfortable, he took out his orange sleeping bag and Shikamaru's blue one.

Naruto put them on the blankets and put two pillows at the top of the sleeping bags. Lastly he put one more soft blanket on top of the two sleeping bags just in case it got cold.

It wasn't supposed to rain this week but just in case they put up tarps over all the tents so they wouldn't get wet.

Naruto put his bag on the left side and Shikamarus on the right. When he was done setting up the tent he walked out and zipped the tent up.

Everyone was sitting at the picnic tables set up around the fire. "All right, everyone needs to go grabbed small dry twigs to start the fire." Minato instructed all the kids.

Everyone got up and walked around looking for twigs and sticks. Naruto was collecting twigs for the fire and small thin sticks for the marshmallows.

He had found enough sticks for everyone and made his way back to camp, everyone was already back and drinking out of plastic cups. Kushina was putting a grave bag in the bin and putting it next to the table.

"Remember to always put the garbage either in the garbage bin down the road or in the back of the car, we don't want any wild animals." Kushina said pointing at everyone.

Deidara had his sketchbook out his pencils, and colored pencils on the table he was sketching the camp.

It was mostly centered around the camp fire but he was adding people in the back ground some on the hammock and other at the table.

Naruto looked at Minato "I'm unloading the four wheeler's" Naruto said he walked over to the truck and pulled out the piece of wood used for the ramp.
He leaned it up against the tail gate and got in the back of the truck, he turned the four wheeler on before rolling it down the ramp.

He really wasn't supposed to unload them that way but no one was saying anything so.... he did it again.
Both his four wheeler and Gaaras were unloaded, he got all four helmets out of the truck and put them on the four wheeler's.

"What time are the other ones coming?" Naruto asked his dad. His father other people bringing two other four wheelers so everyone could ride one.

Minato looked to Kushina hoping she would remember the time.

"Oh my I almost forgot! Sasuke! Your family is coming as well" Kushina shouted with joy.

"They rented the camp site right next to us" Kushina smiled at Sasuke he smiled back. He didn't care, if it meant he didn't have to share a tent with two people.

Sasuke nodded his head "what time?" Sasuke asked.
Right on cue Sasukes parents pulled up in the truck with two four wheeler's on the back. One Sasuke's and the other Itachi's.

They parked over in their campsite, Sasuke brought his bag over to his campsite and helped set up the two tents.

"Glad to see me little brother?" Itachi poked Sasukes forehead. Sasuke nodded and put his bag in the newly set up tent.
They piled blankets and pillows in the tent and then put their bags in.

Sasuke looked over at Naruto's camp he was looking for Naruto he saw him next to a red truck he's never seen before, in the truck was two four wheeler's.

He watched Naruto and Gaara unload them both before saying bye to the blonde haired lady.

"Wanna go for a ride with them?" Itachi asked Sasuke. Sasuke nodded his head yes, he asked his parents if they needed anything when they said no he put his helmet on and drove over to Naruto's camp.

Sasuke shut off the four wheeler and walked over to the picnic table he sat next to Gaara.

"Ready to ride Sasuke?" Naruto cheered. Sasuke nodded his head. There weren't many things to do in Konoha, and Naruto lives in the more country side. They all know how to ride and hunt, it's fun for them.

"Wait, can we ride with you guys" Ino asked Gaara. She knew Naruto would say no.

"We don't have enough helmets" Naruto told her. With a cheeky grin hoping to piss her off more.

"I asked mom to bring two more, so yes we do" Ino shot back. Naruto glared at her, he was tired of her she was really turning into a bitch.

"You're not riding with me" Naruto said taking his helmet off the table and throwing one to Shikamaru.

They put there helmets on and sat on the four wheeler's. "Wanna race to the river?"Naruto asked he was only here once and he is more than welcome to getting lost.

Shikamaru nodded his head. Gaara and Ino got on his four wheeler while Sasuke and Sakura got on his.

Naruto glared at Sasuke and Sakura. Everyone turned on their four wheeler's Naruto was the first one to leave camp, everyone went on different trails but we're sure they would all end up at the river. They were some what right.

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