39) amortentia

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Emma and Annabelle were sitting in their dormitory, whispering. Sophie walked in and they immediately stopped talking.

'I noticed Sirius Black didn't respond to your love letters', Sophie said, while walking over to her drawer to change into a jumper. It was getting very cold.

'That's why I have this', Emma said proudly. She showed a bottle with a mother-of-pearl sheen. Sophie dropped the jumper she was carrying in her hands.

'Are you serious right now?'

'No, but shortly I will be with him.'

Annabelle grinned at her joke.

'All right, I know you like him a lot, but the guy's in a relationship, and very gay, and this is illegal.'

'Only if someone finds out. Besides, I won't give it to him forever. When he falls in love with me, he'll just love me the same when I stop giving it to him', Emma said sternly.

'Have you actually ever paid attention in Potions? Amortentia doesn't make someone fall in love with you.'

'It will. You'll see, Sophie. Are you jealous because you like him too?'

'Of course not, you're being ridiculous. Besides, wouldn't people notice if Sirius Black suddenly falls in love with you while he's dating Remus Lupin right now?'

'That's why I made it less stronger than usual. It'll be a subtle change, nobody will find it odd.'

Annabelle looked in awe at her.

'Are you sure nobody's given you a love potion, Emma, because you're acting rather obsessive', Sophie sneered at her.

Emma stood up, drawing her wand. Her red hair flew over her shoulder. 'You won't tell anyone, especially not Black or Lupin.'

Sophie swallowed. She knew Emma was obsessed with Sirius and that she would actually hex her right now if she didn't give her word. 'I won't', she said quietly.

Emma sat down. 'Good', she said, while inspecting her fingernails. 'Can you do this nail again, Annabelle, it sort of broke when I grabbed my wand.'

Sophie walked out of the dormitory, sick of those two girls.

So during dinner, Emma and Annabelle came walking in with a nervous yet determined smile on their faces. Sophie rolled her eyes and turned her back to them to talk with someone else.

Emma stopped before Sirius, who was sitting with Remus, Peter and James. She tapped on his shoulder.

Sirius turned around. 'Oh', he said.

'I notice you didn't respond to my letter.'

'Well, as I shouted that I loved Remus Lupin from this table, I thought I didn't really need to respond', he said rather coolly.

Emma's eyes flashed to Remus, who was feeling very uncomfortable. She seemed to know, the way she was staring at him.

She looked at Sirius again. 'I know, and I'm sorry Sirius, I just wasn't thinking straight.' Her face showed a hurt expression.

She took out a soda, and gave it to Sirius. 'Here, to make it up. It's a muggle soda - I'm muggleborn, you see - you probably have never had it before.'

He looked confused, but took it, nonetheless. He didn't want to hurt her feelings. 

'Right. Thanks', he said rather awkwardly.

She walked away and smiled at Annabelle. Sophie had been watching the scene from the corner out of her eye and looked at Emma with a certain look. Emma just shrugged.

'Let me taste it too!' James said, grabbing the soda.

'Me too, I've never had muggle soda before', Peter added.

Remus looked suspiciously at Emma.

But Sirius shook his head. 'I'm going to throw it away. I mean, muggle soda is disgusting, I've had it before. Why drink it when you can drink stuff like this?' And he drained his cup with pumpkin juice in one gulp.

James opened it and smelled it. 'You're right, it even smells weird too. Like strawberry and.. ginger. Let's throw it away, blegh.'

Remus looked at it. 'That's a weird combination', he said quietly. It had seemed really weird to him that Emma had let go of Sirius so fast. She had been crushing over him for years now, everyone could see that, and here she was, just apologising and giving him something to drink.

He decided to drop it for now, and Sirius put the soda in the pocket of his leather jacket, and they walked towards their dormitory. When Sirius threw his jacket on Remus' (well, their) bed, it rolled out.

The four guys played a game of exploding snap and ate some Chocolate Frogs. Remus ate the most of them. He watched as Sirius became more and more competitive during the game and grinned at him. Sirius was just so passionate about everything. It was very tiring yet also endearing to watch.

Sirius woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare. He closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep again, but he was thirsty. He groaned and slipped under Remus' arms out of the bed, going to the bathroom. But he stepped onto something and swore under his breath. Probably something of Potter's, he's the messiest guy alive. Even his stuff end up around Remus' bed. But he looked down and saw that it was the soda. He was too lazy to walk to the bathroom for some water, so he decided to drink it. When he opened it, he expected the weird smell James had described - strawberries and ginger. But it smelled totally different. It smelled like autumn leaves and dog fur. His brows furrowed. Maybe he was still half-asleep, he thought. And he drank it all.

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