37) sirius goes to a museum

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The holidays went by rather quickly. Sirius had the best weeks of his life. Only now he realised how much he needed and wanted a family around. It made him miserable to think about his real parents, who had never expressed their love to him. They had never asked him something out of real interest. They had never taken care of him when he was sick.

And now, being here with Remus' family, he sometimes was puzzled because he didn't know how to respond to some of those things.

For example, when he was helping bringing plates and cutlery back to the kitchen, he dropped a plate. One of shards cut open his hand when he tried to pick it up quickly, turning red. 'I'm so sorry', he mumbled.

Hope walked over to him and took his injured hand. He flinched away from her, expecting to get hit. But she said nothing and carefully inspected his hand. 'Does it hurt? Come on, I'll clean it. Luckily it's not too deep.'

'But.. the plate..' Sirius stumbled.

'We have more plates, Sirius. It doesn't matter.'

If he had dropped anything at home with the Black family crest on the floor, he would have been punished and screamed at for sure.

He also was completely new to any muggle thing and it fascinated him. He inspected every muggle invention in the house, and it made Remus laugh when he caught him doing it, but it also made his heart swell up. 

'I think I'm going to ask McGonagall if I can switch Care of Magical Creatures for Muggle Studies', Sirius had told Remus proudly some evening. He also would be able to spend more time with Remus, as he was taking the subject as well.

They had been going to a museum together, and Sirius had tried to conceal his boredom by looking interested at the paintings, but he couldn't understand why you would look at a painting that didn't move. He walked over to Lyall, who was looking at a 16th-century painting of Luther. 

'Mr. Lupin', he whispered. He had been talking as loudly as he normally did when they had walked into the museum, but received so many angry glares from other people that he decided people apparently whisper in here.

'Were you just as confused as me the first time you met your wife's family?'

Lyall smiled. 'Certainly. Couldn't believe how they managed to survive without magic!'

'Neither do I. I respect them, muggles', Sirius added.

'That's a wise decision, Sirius. Muggles aren't after all, not so different from us. And we need them. I mean, the wizarding race is dying out slowly. Because purebloods only wish to marry their own kind, their options become less and less. Eventually, they'll turn to incest.'

Sirius nodded. 'My parents are cousins as well.'

'I'm glad you turned your back on them, Sirius', Lyall said sincerely. He had been having difficulties spending all his time with Sirius the first few days, especially when they came walking out of the same bedroom, their hair messier than usual, but Hope had given him a look so he didn't say anything about it. But over the week, he had come to know Sirius (better than Sirius' own parents, he suspected) and really liked him. He had also seen the way Sirius looked at his son, and he hoped Sirius would always be there in Remus' life, for he deeply cared for him. They were opposites, clearly, and he couldn't really understand how they had become friends in the first place, but it worked fairly well in a relationship. They balanced each other out.

'I do as well. I never knew a family could mean something that makes you feel good inside', he said, while looking at Remus and Hope, who were standing on the other side of the room.

'You're always welcome here, if you ever feel the need. I'm sorry if I have been a bit distant to you in the beginning, but I just was..' he didn't know how to name it.

'A bit uncomfortable?', Sirius asked

Lyall nodded. 'I'm also very protective of Remus. Because he already has to suffer so much because of.. what he is, I don't want him being hurt by other people.'

'I would never hurt Rey', Sirius said quickly. 'Maybe because I'm doing something stupid because I'm just a reckless git who doesn't think before opening my mouth, but never on purpose. Even though I'm a Black, that doesn't mean I'm a bad person or incapable of loving someone.' He flicker of sadness welled up in his eyes.

Lyall noticed and stroked his hair quickly. 'I realise that now, Sirius.'

Sirius smiled at him. 'Can I ask you something else?'

'Of course.'

'What is that knife thing in your bathroom?'

Lyall laughed. 'You mean a razor?'

'Yeah. What do you do with it?'

'You trim your beard with it.'

Sirius' eyes went wide. 'Aren't you afraid you cut your neck open?'

'It's quite safe, actually. Muggles use it all the time. But you'll have to wait some time before you can use it, young man', he grinned.

Sirius stroked his chin, as if a beard would appear there that instant. 'Hmm, wouldn't fancy getting that thing anywhere near my face.'

A dark-haired man with square glasses, who was standing close to them, turned his head at them. 'If you're done talking, some of us would like to enjoy this art', he sneered.

'Well, what is there to enjoy about that painting?' Sirius said, while pointing at the painting the man was looking at. 'It's just a sulky old man with a wig.'

Lyall snorted. That boy had no self control. He took him by the arm and walked away quickly, before the man would reply.

Remus had heard the man lashing out at Sirius and shook his head. 'What have you done now?' he whispered.

'Nothing, Rey, you know me.' Sirius smiled brightly at him.

Later that evening, Peter and James came to visit. Sirius roared with delight to see them again. He hugged them both fiercely. 

'Calm down mate, it's only been two weeks', James laughed.

'I DON'T CARE! THE MARAUDERS ARE REUNITED AT LAST!' Sirius shouted dramatically.

'How have you been dealing with this, Rey?' Peter grinned.

'Yeah, maybe it's time to return him', James teased.

'Shut up, Potter', Sirius shot at him. But he calmed down quickly after that.

James and Peter slept in the other bedroom together, but during the night they moved the mattress into Sirius' and Remus' room. They talked for hours about their holidays so far. Sirius talked animatedly about his trip to the museum - 'Dude, that's the most boring stuff you'll ever see' - and about razors and all muggle inventions in the house.

'And how's your dad, Remus?' James asked a while later.

'He likes Sirius now. He's okay with it.'

'I just don't kiss Rey in front of him. Yet.' Sirius said, yawning.

'Yeah, we get all the pleasure of seeing that every time.'

'What's wrong with that, you think it's gross?'

'No, but-'

'Then you have nothing to complain about. You're just jealous it isn't Evans that is kissing your lips, Prongsie.' Sirius said mischievously.

James turned red.

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