29) quidditch skills

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Their first Quidditch game was coming up rather soon. James was on the team as a Chaser. One of the other chasers, Benjamin Dyer, had been in his seventh year, and therefore left. So the Gryffindor team held try-outs. Sirius, Remus and Peter went to watch. Remus didn't care that much about Quidditch or watching people attempt to play it in try-outs, but he got to spend the Saturday morning with Sirius, so it would be fine. Peter watched in awe as everyone walked into the pitch. He'd love to be a part of the team, but knew he was dreadful at Quidditch. He'd never be as good as the others. Sirius didn't care about sports at all. Besides, flying through the pitch would mess up his hair.

James was talking excitedly with the Quidditch Captain, Anthony Edmunds, and waved to his friends. They were waiting for the people who wanted to take on the position of Chaser. James ran his hand through his hair, and looked at the people who came walking up to them. He suddenly stopped talking.

'Potter', Lily nodded at him.

James was speechless. 'Evans!' he said. Anthony grinned at him.

James looked surprised at her. 'I didn't know you were trying out for the team.'

'I decided it yesterday, it was a bit spontaneous to be honest. My parents have given me a broom for my birthday so I thought I'd try out.' She was braiding her long hair quickly and James wasn't really hearing anything she was saying, he just stared at her.

Up in the stands, Sirius nudged Remus. 'Look at James, he can barely talk. I hope Evans doesn't get on the team, because James won't be able to concentrate on anything anymore', he chuckled.

There were two other boys, both fourth years, looking at Lily and smiling to themselves, because surely a third-year girl wouldn't outfly them. James looked at them sourly, as if he knew exactly what they were thinking.

First Sebastian Hiar got his chance. He flew with the team, the Chasers passed him the Quaffle a few times a he got five attempts to score. He scored four out of five, and flew actually pretty good. James of course wanted Lily to be on the team, but couldn't deny that Sebastian would make a great Chaser.

Then the other boy, Dominic Brandon had a go. He scored only three out of five, and flew definitely not as good as Sebastian. He never passed the Quaffle and tried to fly everything on his own, he evidently forgot that Quidditch was a teamsport. He'd do better as a Seeker, Anthony thought.

Sirius laughed at him. 'Did you confund him, Moony?'

'Of course not, I would never!' Remus said, obviously offended.

'Well, keep that attitude and you might end up a Prefect', Sirius teased. 'Our Moony, a prefect.. Well, I keep my fingers crossed that day never comes.' He mimicked gagging.

Then it was Lily's turn. James felt weird, playing Quidditch with her, while she took the Quaffle he threw at her and swooshed forward towards the Quidditch goals. He looked up at Sirius, Remus and Peter and Sirius winked at him. 'Focus, Prongsie!', he shouted. Lily looked up at the weird nickname after scoring a goal, and James made a go-away movement with his hand. Sirius stuck his tongue out.

Lily scored three more goals, so she was tied with Sebastian. Anthony took a while to decide, since they had both flown really well. He spoke with the whole team, but their reactions were mixed. He mostly looked at the other two Chasers, James and Sam Duncan. Sam said he preferred Sebastian, James voted for Lily. Anthony bit his lip. He had to make a decision now.

He walked over to Sebastian and Lily, who were both waiting for him to speak. 'You both flew really well today and scored the same amount of goals, so it's really hard to choose. The team also has different opinions. But my final decision is Lily Evans now. She managed to fly a bit faster and chuck the Quaffles at us faster as well. I'm sorry Sebastian, maybe you could try out next year.'

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