17) but he's a black

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 All their exams went well. Even Sirius', who was feeling slightly better due to Remus' help, struggled his way through all his exams. They were glad they were over and as soon as the last exam was finished, they ran outside to jump in the lake. James and Sirius were the first to jump in, as usual, and didn't even bother taking their clothes off. But Sirius made sure to twist his hair into a bun before jumping in, so his hair wouldn't get wet.

Remus smiled at them, but wasn't going in. He would've liked to, but it would raise questions about the scars on his body. People would wonder where he got them. 'Go on Peter, I'll be fine', he said. But Peter shook his head. He was far too insecure about his body to take off his clothes and swim.

They sat down on the dock with their feet in the water while Sirius and James swam. Sirius took hold of Remus' feet and pulled himself slightly up. 'Come in Rey! It's really nice.' He saw the look on Remus' face and dropped his voice, and said 'There aren't that many people, they won't notice the scars.'

'Still, I'm not taking my clothes off if there are people around that could notice.'

'Leave him, Sirius', James said while he joined them at the dock.

The Sirius-grin came onto Sirius' face and he said 'Of course, Moony' while he tangled his hands in his. Remus was surprised that Sirius had given up so fast - normally when Sirius had something in mind, it had to happen. So he suddenly understood - just too late - the grin on Sirius' face now and before he could pull his hands back, Sirius had pulled him into the lake. 'Argh, Sirius!' Remus shouted.

'You said you didn't want to take off your clothes, so I figured you could just come in with your clothes on like us!' Sirius laughed.

'What if I couldn't swim?'

'I would've heroically saved you.'

'What if the giant squid took me?'

'I would fire some spells at him and take you back.'

'Hm? I don't see your wand anywhere.'

'Then I would punch him right on the nose and take you back.'

'Do you have a witty remark at anything I say?'

'Says the inventor of sarcasm!'

'They're already married', James rolled his eyes at Peter.

On the Hogwarts Express, there was a content atmosphere. They had eaten so many chocolate frogs they all lay down or were half asleep. Peter was still eating the last ones, leaning against the door while James was leaning against the window, his eyes closed. Sirius was laying with his head on Remus' lap, after asking ten times if he was allowed to do so and eventually Remus gave in, frequently looking out of the door if any Slytherins came by. But everyone was in their own compartment.

When Remus went to the toilet, Sirius sat up. 'Quick, before he gets back. Do you lot still have the leaf and everything?'

They both nodded.

'All right, so we will owl each other to meet up to finish the process. We'll meet at James', right?'

'It'll be great!' James punched the air. 'My mum makes the best sandwiches. We'll watch movies and stay up late and have a great time.'

'But what about Remus?' Peter said, looking at the door, making sure he wasn't back already.

'We'll invite him the day after we transformed into the animals. We won't tell him we were there a day already.'

'Fair enough.'

When the train was nearly there, Sirius looked at James and Peter with a certain expression. 'What?' James said somewhat indignantly. 'We need to go away?'

'Unless you want to stay while I say goodbye to Remus.'

'But we're not there yet', Remus said.

'Ah, but do you want a goodbye kiss in front of my lovely parents? They'll kill you before you can say chocolate, right there on the platform, no joke.'

Remus had forgotten about that. Sirius said it light-heartily, but he couldn't help but wonder if his parents really would kill Sirius' boyfriend if they found out about it. He shuddered at the thought and pushed it out of his mind.

'Sooo.. Moony?' Sirius said while he sprang onto him and kissed him fiercely. Peter flushed and mumbled something, clearly uncomfortable, while James just shrugged and looked out of the window.

Remus flushed even more than Peter and said 'Sirius, we-'

'Hush. I'll miss you so much, Rey', Sirius said while he hugged him.

'I'll miss you too. But we'll meet up all right? And write owls? Let me know if there's anything I can do for you?' He said the last sentence a bit sternly, looking meaningfully at Sirius. Sirius nodded.

On the platform, they all said goodbye and each walked over to their parents. Peter, James and Remus were each hugged tightly by their parents and received a warm welcome. Sirius smiled at the scene, waiting for his parents. Then he felt someone grab his arm, and it was his father. His father didn't say anything, just pulled him away and disapparated with him a few moments later.

Remus had kept a close watch on Sirius while he was hugging his parents and saw Orion Black take Sirius harshly by the arm, clearly not happy that he saw his own son again. He felt his heart break for Sirius.

His mother saw him watching. 'Is that a friend of yours, honey?'

'Yeah..', Remus said absently.

'But he's a Black', Lyall said uncomfortably.

'What about him?' Remus looked at his father, his brows furrowing.

'Well.. Everyone thinks about the Black family as a.. bad family, with their pureblood supremacy. Supporters of the Dark Lord. You better stay away from that boy.' Lyall took his trunk and looked at him rather sternly.

Remus swallowed. He had thought about coming out to his parents, because, they were his parents, so he thought they'd accept him, and maybe telling them about Sirius.. He was in love, after all, and he was really happy with how things had turned out. But the look on Lyall's face and his words made him feel empty inside and he decided he wouldn't tell them anything.

His mother looked with a worried expression at her son. She looked at the Black boy again, who was being tugged away rather harshly by his father and disapparated, and back to Remus, who looked at the empty spot where Sirius was a few seconds before. She bit her lip and decided she would talk to Remus tonight without Lyall around.

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