Chapter 21

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Austin's POV

I set Allie down and walked back up the walkway to my front door. I opened it with more force than I intended.


"Yes sweetie."

"I'm uhhh I'm home."

"I see that."

I jumped not knowing she came and stood behind me as I locked the door.

"You scared the he-"

"I scared the what."

"Nothing." I paused. "You just freaked me out a bit."

"Why do you look so tired?"

"I was up early this morning and I was at the hospital all day."

"Why?" she took my face in her hands. "What happened to you? are you ok?"

"Yea mom, I'm fine. It was Alixandra she cut her thigh because-" I stopped not wanting to say to much. "Because she tried turning the corner by the gym she works out at and she didn't know that the gate was messed up and it sliced her on her way into the building."

I covered that well..... Right?


"Hmm." I looked down not wanting to make eye contact because she would instantly know I was lying.

"Tell me the truth."

"That was the truth."

"Stop lying."

"I'm not lying." I tried brushing past her but she placed her hand on my chest and brought me to stand in front of her again.

"That's already 15 bucks in the lying jar."

"No! Not the lying jar."

"Tell me the truth and I will give you a discount."

"How much are we talking about?"

"Half off."

"70%" I bargained.



We shook on it. And she pulled me towards the couch.

"So what's really going on Austin?"

I spilled. I couldn't keep anything from her. She's my mom. I shouldn't have to keep anything from her. It feels wrong.

It was a pretty long story and about halfway through I felt my phone buzz. But I didn't bother to stop and check it. I felt like I was just rambling on and on.



"Haven't I raised you better than this?"

"Yea." I mumbled.

"Then why are you treating her like this?"

"I don't know. I'm just full of myself. I'm not sure if you've noticed but I'm a lady killer." I said leaning back and throwing my hands behind my head.

"Seriously? Austin! Snap out of it. You're missing the big picture. You're hurting girls. That's not the rep you're going to want to have."

"I know but I'm not sure how to fix it."

"Figure it out." she got up and began walking towards the stairs.

"That's it? That's all you have to say? You're not going to give me ideas or encourage me to do something huge?"

"Austin," she sighed. "You made this mess without my help so now you can clean it up without me as well. I'm sorry, but it's the only way you're going to learn."


She continued her trek up the stairs and I heard, what must have been, her bedroom door close shut behind her. My head rolled into the palms of my hands as I began brainstorming.

I made my way up the stairs and grabbed my towel so I could take a shower.

Moments later, the water was making it's way down my body. I began humming a tune to a song I was writing. Music isn't my best quality. I mean I'm only starting and nobody really knows about it yet except for the few passerbys that have seen me busking.

In that instantaneous second, I knew how I was going to work for her back. Jumping out of the shower and wrapping the towel around my waist, I rushed over to my phone.

"ALEX?! I need you to bring Allie to the mall tomorrow. 3 o'clock. On the dot. I'm going to win her back. Just please convince her to come."

I sent it and got dressed. Then I walked to my bed and hopped into it. My phone buzzed and the screen lit up. I grabbed it and checked it.

"Sure. We'll see you there."

Yes! There's no way this isn't going to work.

And with that I turned over, turned the light off and slept off my drowsiness.
2.1k babes???? 💕💕💕💕

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