Chapter 5

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Austin walked me home and immediately when I got up to my room and locked my door, I texted Jared.

'Hi there :)'

'Hey! you seem cheery. what's up?'

'Nothing. I just got home.'

'From what?'

'Oh..... nothing big, just coffee and doughnuts with Austin.'

'WAIT!!!!! THE Austin?'

'What other Austin is there?'



'I think I know what it's like to fan girl now.'

'R there butterflies in your stomach?'

'Yes. but not literally.'

'Is your brain thumping against your skull?'


'R u fantasizing?'


'Well.. You've learned from the best then.'

'Hell ya I have. Oh great one!!!!'

I giggled.

'Well u want details or what?'

'YES!!!! spill!'

'Come over!'

'Be there in 5.'

'See you then.'

I threw my phone onto my bed next to me. There were so many things going through my mind at once. What if Austin asks me to go somewhere else with him? What if Jared wasn't ok with all of this? What if Austin just played me back there? What if he was serious? Which one is better for me? Truth or little white lies? Before I could continue I heard a knock at my door. I unlocked my bedroom door and practically flew down the stairs. I opened the door to find a breathless, sweaty, panting, blond-haired blue-eyed Jared.

"God damn. Did you run a marathon before coming here?" I asked giggling to myself. I've only seen Jared like this when I took him to that Selena Gomez concert for his birthday and after he hit a home run winning the championship game for his baseball team.

"No I didn't" he said in between breaths. "I was just really excited to hear about what happened so I ran the entire way here."

"Well for you that's practically a marathon."

"What? That felt like a small 2 minute jog. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Jared that was 6 miles." I replied.

To be honest, I'm kind of the athletic one in this friendship. I'm the star point guard for the schools basketball team. Always have been, always will be. I was also a pitcher for the schools softball team. And I was star of the track team. my records were so good that my coach offered to let me run with the boys for a little more competition. Jared was tired, he just didn't want to admit it. He wanted to be tough. So why rain on his parade? I was in a good mood, I decided not to ruin his day.

"But yeah, I know what you mean." I continued.

"So I didn't run all this way for nothing. Spill it! I want to know every detail and every word that came out of both of your mouths!"

"You thirsty?"

"To hear about this story? YES!!!!".

"No I meant like literally. Like do you want something to drink?"

"Yes but that can wait because I need to know what's going on."

"Well I'm thirsty so I'm going to go get something to drink."

And with that I walked to my kitchen, grabbed two cans of strawberry crush, and brought them to the living room. I set one down on the coffee table in front of Jared and popped mine open. I knew he wouldn't be able to resist and smiled to myself when he leaned over and grabbed it. I knew this boy too well.

"So....." I stated. "You ready?"


"Then get comfy because it's story time bitch."


Well it's currently 2:33 in the morning right now. I didn't plan on typing this but I couldn't sleep because I had so many ideas on how this story will layout!!!! I was excited and thought you guys would be too. So..... you're welcome. You should probably thank my writing cravings though instead of me. So you think we can have 5 votes and 10 more reads for the next chapter? I want some feedback too. Like is there anything you think I could do better? Do you think that I should name my chapters? Or do you like it the way it is?

Thanks! stay awesome!!!!
Xoxo Alexis Mastypayhorlikson

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