Chapter 10

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Austin's POV

Damn it! Why didn't I take my freaking phone with me? Why did I even leave in the first place? Oh, yeah, I had to go. But why does Elise have to ruin everything? I tried talking to Alix but she kept pulling away from me. I was screaming her name trying to get her to stop and come back. She began running across the street I tried to warn her that car was coming. Why is she so stubborn? She should listen to people before she drowns them out. It hit her, I saw it. It was weird, it like happened in slow motion. She watched it hit her then I saw her lifeless body laying on the cold concrete. The ambulance arrived only 3 minutes later. In those 3 minutes I sat on the ground with Alix wrapped in my arms, I was rocking her whispering in her ear.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I should've got rid of her for good. I'm sorry. Im angry with myself for lying to you. I need you. please don't leave me. Stay with me! I'd give anything up for you, just please don't leave me!" I began to cry and right as the second tear fell onto her cheek, they ripped her out of my arms. Laying her on a stretcher, I held her hand as they put her into the back of the huge truck. They put a mask on her to help her breathe. Slowly but surely I watched as her chest began building up and falling down. I never knew I'd be so happy to see someone's chest rise and fall indicating that they're breathing. This had to be the scariest thing I ever lived through. Just the thought of losing her made me ache inside. I shouldn't even be feeling this way, all I've done is lie to her and now I think I love her? No, I can't love her. Not after everything I've put her through. Not after I told her she could trust me. I guess that means not now, not ever. She'll never be mine and after what we've been through in the past 2 days, I'm starting to understand why.

Sitting at her feet in the ambulance, I looked up and saw her eyes begin to flutter and happy tears began falling down my face.

Alixs POV

I opened my eyes and saw a flash off 3 guys. 2 of which were in white jackets hovering over the sides of me. The third one was staring at me from his spot sitting at my feet. I wanted so badly to tell him to leave. To tell him to get away from me. To show him the pain he's made me feel. I wish I had the strength. I tried sitting up but not only was I immediately pushed back down but I also knew I couldn't hold myself up any longer. I laid back down and swore that I would get him back once I had the strength in me to really hurt him. My thoughts began to fade and I remember everything going black.

Austin's POV

She tried to sit up but the paramedics pushed her back down. Her eyes continued to flutter but then they closed and haven't opened since. It was only 7 minutes until we were at the hospital being rushed into a room located in the emergency room. I was the only one with her so the doctors were asking me all of these questions that I didn't know the answers to.

"What's her full name sweetheart?" One of the nurses questioned once they knew she was breathing steady.

"Alixandra Parker."

"Thanks, Hon." she replied before winking at me and walking out the door.

I moved my chair they gave me, closer to Alixs bedside. I grabbed her hand and stared at her blank face. I only had 2 minutes of silence. Only 2 minutes of reflection time before the nurse barged back in. Without knocking may I add.

"Sir, are you sure the name you gave me is her correct name?"

"Of course it is. Why would I lie about knowing her name?"

"Well I'll go look for her in the system one more time, and if I don't find her I'm going to have to take her fingerprint."


How is that not her real name? I mean seriously! Why the hell would I tell a nurse who is here to help her, a fake name? Oh my gosh this chick was slow.

"Nope. I didn't find her." the nurse said looking down at her clipboard when she came back.


"So we're going to have to take her fingerprint."

"What do you need me to do?"

"Help me wheel her? I've been told that you won't leave her side, so I might as well put you to some good use."

I took the brakes off her bed and looked at the idiot this hospital called a nurse.

"Led the way."

"Follow me."

I followed her down a series of hallways to a small room. They had me place Alixs hand on a screen and push it down. I watched as the green line traveled slowly down her hand taking in every detail. once it made it to the bottom the nurse let me take her back to her room.

"The results will be in in an hour." she said before closing the door behind herself.

Having only an hour, I decided even though Alix isn't really moving or opening her eyes, that I would keep her updated by watching the newest episode of her favorite tv show. Teen Wolf. To be honest, that show actually isn't half bad. I think I might even try to watch all of the episodes and catch up with it. When the show was over a different nurse came in. This one had strawberry blond hair, green eyes, and soft pink lips. it kind of freaked me out that she was taller than me though.

"The results are in. Her last name is..."

Why? Why of all people in the world to be related to, she was related to this one? This is the end. I'm going to lose her. It'd be wrong to be with her. No! I won't let something like this get between us. We were not going to be done this easily. I don't care what people think. I love her and that's all that matters.


Oh my gosh!!!! who do you guys think it is? comment and vote!!!! I want 15 new reads, 10 votes, and at least 5 comments. Then, and only then, will I update to let you guys know who it is.

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