Chapter 13 Part 1

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Walking out those hospital front doors with Austin's arm around my waist to keep me steady couldn't make me happier.

"So where are we going?" Austin asked me as we walked down the block away from the hell I've been living in.

"Home? I guess?"

"Yours or mine?"

"I don't really care. I just need to lay down."

"My house it is."

I expected him to take me to my home. I don't even know what I was thinking when I told him I didn't care. Well I don't really think it makes a difference anyways, I mean I'm only 2 doors down so I can technically sneak out without him knowing, and go home. It felt like a pretty far walk, even though we've only walked a block. Maybe it's just my minor concussion talking. I'm Alix Constancio. I don't get tired. I'm an endless ball of energy. I'm the star of not only the track and cross-country team but the basketball team as well. I guess Austin saw that I was getting a little tired out. He stopped and took my face in his hands. His warm, inviting hands. the hands I loved and always wanted to cup my face like this. The hands of the boy I loved. The hands of the boy I wanted to kill.

"Are you ok?" He questioned me.

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Because you don't look so good."

"Yeah I'm sure."

"Your lying. Come on." he said letting go of my face and turning around, gesturing for me to jump on his back.

I couldn't resist. I jumped and wrapped my arms around his neck. I've always wanted to do this too. But at the same time that I loved it, I also hated it more than I could even imagine. I rode him down 4 blocks to his house. When we arrived Austin placed me down and wrapped his arm around my waist to keep me from falling over. He didn't let me go as he pushed the key into the lock, turned it, and as soon as he heard the lock click revealing that it was open, he turned the knob and swiped it open. We were standing in his living room when we got inside. I sat down on the couch across the room. I immediately laid down and curled up into a little ball. Austin kneeled down in front of me and began rubbing little circles into my back.

"Just rest, ok?"

"Alright." I said trying to get comfortable.

"Do you want to lay on the bed in the guest room?" he asked.

"It's fine."

"Oh don't be so modest! C'mon." and with that he picked me up bridal style. He took me up the stairs and led me to the second door on the right. After kicking the door open, Austin laid me on the bed. Standing up, he smiled at me.

"If you need me, I'll be in the room to the right. Remember, the right not the left. Whatever you do, don't go to the left, ok?"


And with that Austin left me to sleep.

When I opened them again it was pitch black in my room. I got up and tiptoed to the wall on the right side of the room to see if I could hear Austin doing anything in there. Surprisingly, I heard nothing. I grabbed my phone and headed off. Tiptoeing, I made my way to Austin's room. The door creaked as I pushed it open. There he was, laying fast asleep on his bed. I looked over at his bedside table and spotted what I was in there for. His phone. I made my way over to it, grabbed it and made my way down the stairs. Then I ran right out the front door.

Austin's POV

After I put Alix to bed I figured I needed to rest. So I went right to my room, crawled under the covers and actually fell asleep.

I opened my eyes a little while later. the clock on the wall opposite of me held my clock but sadly it was broken from the multiple times Alex, Robert, and I played catch in my room and hit it. I groaned. I reached over to my bedside table to grab my phone to check the time. But, instead of my hand hitting my phone, it just hit wood. I leaned my head forward and peered at the spot that my hand was on. I lifted it and saw that my phone wasn't on there at all.

Maybe I left it downstairs. I thought to myself.

I got out of bed and began my trek towards the stairs. I decided to check in on Alix since it was her first night outside of the hospital. I twisted the knob and swung the door open. I saw a pile of blankets on the bed and walked towards it. Once I got to the edge I looked up at her.

"You ok?" I whispered.

Then I took a closer look and realized I wasn't talking to anybody. She wasn't there. I raced down the stairs, and out the front door. It was raining.

"ALIX?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" No answer.

"Alix?" nothing.

"Alix!!!!!!" I began breathing heavy. Where was she? Why did she leave? Did I do something wrong? Did she not like my house? I can't stand this. I can't stand not knowing where she is. My clothes were already soaking through. I was cold to the bone. I turned my head left and right looking for her. Then, finally, I gave up. Just like that, I gave up. She was gone, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Ok guys so that was just part 1 of chapter 13, I'll post part 2 as soon as I get 450 reads. I also want 10 votes. So.... yeah. Get me that and I'll give you the rest of this chapter.

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