Chapter 15

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Alixs POV

I always have my blade in my phone case.

I haven't cut in over 15 months because I felt like I didn't have to. Basketball, or really sports in general, were all I needed.

That was how I got rid of what I was feeling.

That was my other world.

That was how I led another life.

Looking over my shoulder to make sure nobody was here, I began making my way to the girls bathroom. I opened the blue stall door and stepped inside. Without looking, I lifted Alex's shorts on the right side and placed the cold blade against my skin.

I closed my eyes and the memories of how this blade came to be flooded my mind.


3 years ago

I was 11


"You're drunk! Again!" Mom yelled at daddy.

"You need to shut up bitch!" He screamed back.

"You're gonna hurt somebody. Just give me the glass."


Mom tried just taking it but he pushed her back. She just laid there on the floor. Trying not to move, she was holding her arm and hadn't even noticed me standing there.

"Why can't you just let me be happy?"

She winced as he took a step towards her.

"That's all I want." He continued "Are you not happy?"

He raised his hand above his head and was about to strike mom for doing nothing. That's when I jumped out just as his hand swung. I felt all five of his fingers on his right hand fall upon my face. Tears pricked the edges of my eyes and mom sat up. Dad kneeled down.

"Are you ok princess?"

I avoided his gaze.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it! I swear! Don't cry." He cooed.

"I think you have done and said enough." Mom said.

"But I should-"

Mom cut him off "Leave? That would be best."

I watched him walk out the door. And heard the door slam behind him.

Mom attempted to wrap her arms around me but I ran up to my room and locked the door.

I looked at the hand print on my face in my body length mirror. I felt anger rising in the pits of my stomach. I pulled my fist back and slammed it straight into my reflection. How did I love someone who did this to me?

I heard the glass shatter at my feet.

Mom banged on my door and begged me to let her in.

I just ignored her.

I picked up 2 of the pieces. I put one in the box that held my jewelry and held the other one for dear life. I put the blade on my leg and dragged it out. I didn't even notice until I looked down that my hand was bleeding. But I definitely felt the blood trickling down my thigh.

I'm never speaking to daddy again.

And that's a promise.


Before I even realized it there were 4 deep cuts along my leg.

I felt the tears fall down my face.

What would Alex say?

What about Austin?

I don't even care what Austin has to say, this was all his fault.

I grabbed some tissue and wiped up the blood until it stopped dripping. I allowed Alex's shorts to fall back down and I walked out of the bathroom with tears on my cheeks.

Grabbing Alex's bag, I left the gym and began walking slowly towards his house.


About half way there I started feeling dizzy. I saw a figure walking towards me and soon realized that it was Alex.

He gripped the note tightly in his hand and once his eyes held mine he screamed my name.

I lifted my arm to wave but it was limp and fell right back down. My head fell with it and I saw the blood trickling down my leg. I started falling but then I felt arms wrap around me and looked up to see Alex before my eyes shut and all I saw was darkness.

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