Chapter 24

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Allies POV

"Grab that! Oh that skirt! No the one next to it! Yes. Do they have that in a 3? Good. Bring that too." I bossed the boys around and enjoyed making them carry every new item for Allies closet. I need to get rid of Alix's and start from the ground up here.

We got to the counter and the boys put my stool down. They looked like clothes piles surrounding and following me around the store. Any passerby would've laughed. Any girl would've known what was going on and would've been proud.

"You're total is going to be $658.79." The cashier said after ringing me up.

"Holy fucking shit." The boys said in unison.

I was about to hand her my card and Austin slapped down 300 onto the counter. Zach? Zach. He put down 75 after Austin nudged him. Robert. 60. Alex 150.

"Guys. I got it." I gave her my card. And I also gave Zach and Robert their share back.

Austin and Alex looked at me and it seemed like their eyes were going to fall out of their heads.

"What about ours?!" They said together.

"Well you apparently have something to prove and you are my brother. I'm sure your - our - mom will give us more. Now stop whining. You guys were the ones who put the money down on the counter so." I trailed off.

The cashier handed me my card and the receipt. They boys grabbed the bags and me and we walked out.

"Where to next princess?" Alex asked.

"I'm hungry so food court."

We made our way that way and they set me down.

"What are you in the mood for? Chinese? Mexican? Pizza? Burger? Nachos?"

"Subway." we said in unison and laughed.

"What do you want?"

"What you have." With that he left me, they all did. All went their separate ways. Food can bring everyone together. And as shown, it can also tear everyone apart. Ugh.


We ate our food and I picked off of everyone's. And Austin and I shared our sandwiches. We were a table of sharing.

"Anything else?" Austin asked.


"I'll text my mom." Jared managed through a mouthful of orange chicken. He got up and took the empty trays and threw them out.

"Today was fun." Austin whispered into my ear.

"What until you see what's in store for later." I felt him breathe into my ear as the words left my mouth.

"She'll be here in 20 minutes, you sure there's nothing else you might want to do really quick?" Jared placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Well I need a new CD."

"F.Y.E. here we come."

I got up from my stool and Jared and I left the boys. We walked over to the music store when I saw the Justin Bieber cutout.

"I need it." I looked at Jared who was a few steps behind me and I felt my smile continue to grow for the longest time.

"No you don't. You already have the one of him in the purple sweater that watches you sleep. You don't need that one."

"Ugh. Stop being dramatic. One more won't hurt anyone."

"You wanted a new CD. So let's go and buy a new CD."

"Fine." I agreed.

As we browsed I felt Jared looking at me more than the CDs.


"Nothing." He replied.

"Something. You don't just look at a girl like that with nothing to say."

"Are you going to forgive him?" He looked at his feet.

"Austin?" I sighed. "Jared. I can't stay mad at him forever. I'm changing. Wait until you see me on Monday! I am going to be so drop-dead gorgeous you may not even know it's me."

I heard Jared mumble something. I'm not sure what it was but I know he mumbled.


"Nothing." He replied. "I didn't say anything." It was then that Jared began paying way more attention to the CDs than to me.

I don't understand why. But it hurt and it makes me feel like I shouldn't have even said anything. This is the guy that gave me the best memories. This is my best friend. And I'm being a bitch. If Allie is going to cause problems between us, then screw her. I'd rather be unpopular and have Jared than be popular without him by my side. And if that means losing Austin, then fine. I would give him up for Jared. That's what I've always hated about girls. It's like once they start dating someone everyone else doesn't exist and they drop everything for a loser who is going to dump them in the long run.

"I'm sorry Jared." I kept my head down. " I know I'm being a bitch. And I'm sorry."

"Hey. You're a little overwhelmed right now. That's all." He said cupping my cheek and making my dull eyes meet with his brighter-than-the-sky blue ones. "And I'd rather have you as a bitch than not at all."

This. This is friendship. This is what it's all about. It's about loving each other. And being there when no one else is. I wouldn't admit it in front of all of the boys but, I've felt so alone without Jared. We've been through so much already. It didn't sink in that I missed him this much until now. Standing here looking into those gorgeous blue eyes. My heart was bursting at the seams and I felt tears begin to crawl their way up to my face and into my eyes. And then it happened.

He leaned in.

And my whole world fell apart.


So what do you guys think? I personally really like this chapter. Maybe it's because of Jared. I also liked when Jared gave Alix that pep talk all those chapters ago about opening up and letting Austin into her bubble.
I want your guys opinions 😏😍🔥❤️

3.9K? Love you guys

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 15, 2015 ⏰

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