Chapter 19

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Austin's POV

Bursting through the doors in no time, I ran straight to the front desk.

"I'm here to see Alixandra." I said heaving air into my lungs.

"Okay. If you can just sign in here," she said pausing and pointing at a clipboard. "Do you know what room number she's in? If you don't, I can look it up for you."

"No I got it." I exclaimed grabbing the pen and writing my name, the room number, and time on the designated lines.

Once I scrawled all of the information down, I took off. I'll find her room eventually.

Then I remembered Alex's text.

Fourth floor. Room 174. I need to get to an elevator. Running down numerous halls, I finally found one. I pressed the button and waited anxiously for the elevator to open. When it finally did, I leaped in and pressed the four so many times I thought I broke it, until the doors opened once again revealing a "4" on the wall. I released a sigh and caught my breath. I took a left and jogged to her room slowly trying to find the right words to say.

I'm standing outside of her room right now. My heart is going a mile a minute and I can barely breathe. I'm scared she'll hear me and tell me to go away. If I don't go in now though, the nurses and doctors are going to think I'm some crazy stalker.

My hand reaches for the doorknob. It's cold under my fingertips. I slowly turn the knob and open the door to find Alix and Alex wrapped in each other's arms on the hospital bed. They are both sleeping. I feel anger bubble inside of me then realize that's why Alix and I fought in the first place. Because I overreacted over something stupid and pointless that meant nothing.

I tiptoed to the edge of the bed and looked at the two of them.

They were the cutest pair. They even kind of looked alike.

They definitely slept the same. And they were snoring in perfect harmony.

I chucked silently so I wouldn't disturb their slumber.

There was a chair on the bedside and I took a seat. Looking up at the screen I immediately knew what they were watching. Teen Wolf. Of course. I watched it for a few minutes and then pulled out my phone and scrolled through my Facebook feed.

(A/N*** VERY IMPORTANT PLEASE READ!!!! There has been a time mishap in my story. Austin didn't create his twitter until September 9th 2010 at 3:54 pm central time. I will be rewriting parts of chapter 9. If you want to you can go back and reread the part where they are tweeting each other but will be the same just on Facebook that's all! And thanks for reading!)

Before I knew it it was already 3:45 and theses two crazy kids were still sleeping.

Ugh... What else can I do?

Oooooooh! I know! I'll make a Twitter. I got the app and began making my account. It took like almost ten minutes to finish all of the set up. Once I was finally in and was going to start following people Alix began to stir. I watched her as she rubbed her eyes tiredly with the back of her hands. I sat back in my chair and just stared at the tv so it wouldn't look like I was staring at her. Even though I was..... I still don't want her to know that.

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