Lies (An Austin Mahone Fan Fiction)

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A new year. A new start. Everything should be fine, right? You couldn't be more wrong. But lets not jump to conclusions. Let's start at the beginning.

Freshmen year. My blood was pumping and my heart was racing. Don't freak out Alix, it's just your first day of Highschool. No big deal. That's when I saw him. Tall, hazel eyed, brown wavy haired, Austin. I can't believe he's here! I turned immediately, not wanting his gaze to accidentally fall upon me. Well, we have been going to school together since Kindergaten so I should've been expecting this. But still, I'm freaking out. I need to leave. He can't see me here! Just as I turned around to run, I tripped over my own feet and fell right onto him. Great! Just what I needed.

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