Renegade: Chapter Fifteen

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Then, with a gulp, I tried to keep myself together as I clearly said the words, "I wish you can give the exact love to me too."

"What did you say?" She looked at me with a puzzled look.

"I-I-I'm sorry," I apologized. "It's just that ever since the time we had met yesterday, it seemed that my heart had longed for you."

"Umm... Do you not find this a little fast?" Hazel asked. "We barely had even met."

"Love is timeless," I clarified as I walked slowly towards her.

As if allergic with my close proximity, she walked back and giggled awkwardly with the words, "Gerald, are you sure about what you are saying? Y-Y-You are freaking me out."

"Y-Y-Yes, I am," I nodded seriously.

Suddenly, her giggle slowly faded and her cheeks started to turn crimson red. Then, an awkward silence was heard.

After a few minutes, she said, "L-L-Look... I have to go now."

She was about to leave when just in time, I held her soft right hand.

I am not giving up, I encouraged myself. This is the right moment. Stay strong. Show how much you love her!

"Wait! D-Don't go... I-I-I love you... I r-r-really do."

"Gerald, I will be frank about this... I'm sorry, but I don't love you back," Hazel spoke firmly. There were no evidences of a joke or a giggle... Nothing.

Those words felt like rocks hardly thrown to my hoping heart. It was crushed... Crushed to its weakest point... With it, my whole body weakened... My right hand that was once filled with strength loosened her grip and let her go.

Without any options to turn back, she rapidly walked towards the farther rooms of the Equality Hallway as I stood silently beside the painting with an awful entity around me.

I was left shocked... That escalated quickly... I couldn't believe that I had been a victim of this negative response... As I continued to freeze beside the painting, I said to myself, I was wrong... It was not the right moment after all... Oh I'm such a fool! I should have waited... Waited! It was too damn early! Fuck you, reasons! Fuck you!

Then, with a troubled heart and a grumbling hunger slowly revealing itself back in my stomach, I had decided to walk back towards Golden Hall and hoped that I knew someone in there that I could talk to and share this miserable experience. As my feet reached the first few steps towards the center of the Golden Hall, my "Operation Hunt Someone To Talk To" started.

Nope. I don't know her... Nope. He is too young and I certainly don't know him.... Nope. Never seen that ugly face before. Damn! She's hot but too bad I don't know her... Oh! Look who finally showed up... A chef... But no... I don't know him and I will not eat my Breakfast until I talk to someone I know... Ahh... A red headed guy eating a bag of chips... Somehow he reminds me of Alexand—

"Oh fuck! Alexander! Alexander!" I raised my hand as I ran towards him.

As I reached in front of him, I instantly pulled his right hand and said, "Al, we need to talk."

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Respect the chips! Calm down!" He spoke irritably at me as I dragged him passed the huge gold painted door and towards the Mansion's dazzling landscapes.

The sun shined brightly above us as Alexander held his bag of chips against his chest and asked, "Gerald, what the heck is wrong with you? I almost lost these chips because of you!"

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