"A surprise?" Everyone else had on a small smirk, knowing that Yoongi was a big sucker for surprises and he had just taken their bait. 

"Yeah, so come with us!"

"What the fuck" Yoongi cursed, his voice slightly trembling as he stared out the car window. A shiver went down his spine as he pulled down the sleeves to his sweater lower, covering his hands before turning back to glare at his friends.

"What is this?" Yoongi pointed out the window to a tall glowing sign that stood by the entrance.

Welcome to the Escape Park!

"Surprise?" Jungkook gave a smile, trying his best not to tremble from Yoongi's sharp glare. 

"You all lied to me" Yoongi pouted, now leaning his head against the window as the car was pulling up to the parking lot.

"Oh come on, you've been hiding in your room for over a week now. You need to have some fun" Jin replied from the driver's seat, trying to park the car into a parking spot. 

"But at an escape park?" Yoongi paused, glancing out at the window once more to only be met with complete darkness, the only source of light coming from the small floor lights.

"And at night?" Taehyung's mouth curved into a small smirk, now turning around to face Yoongi who had a look of doubt.

"Why? Are you scared?" he teased, earning a small frown from Yoongi as he immediately shook his head, now crossing his arms over his chest.


This was Min Yoongi after all, one of the most fearless spies of their time. What's the worse that could happen at an escape park?

"Hi, welcome to the escape park! Do you have a reservation?" Hoseok nodded his head before pulling out his ID and handing it over to the receptionist.

"Yes, Jung Hoseok." The receptionist nodded her head, typing his information into the system before handing back his card. She then turned around to grab a couple of sheets before placing them down on the desk.

"I'm going to need you to sign this waiver first, just for legal purposes." Everyone nodded their head, grabbing a pen to sign the papers. On the other hand, Yoongi could only stare at the paper, carefully reading through every line that was printed.

I hereby sign this waiver to agree my consent of this release, not to sue shall the members of my family and spouse, if I am alive, and my estate, family, and heirs if I am deceased.

"Wait, 'if I'm alive'?" Yoongi mumbled before feeling a pen being slid into his hand. He looked up to see Jimin giving him a soft smile.

"Come on, you won't get hurt" Jimin whispered in assurance, urging Yoongi to hurry and sign the waiver. With a sigh, Yoongi signed the paper with his signature before handing it back to the receptionist.

"Awesome!" she smiled, placing the papers away before scanning through her files to get the correct theme of the escape park. 

"Alright everyone, please follow me!" Stepping around from her desk, she began to make her way outside with the rest of the guys following along. 

"Oh my god" Yoongi gasped, staring down at the large safari bus in front of them. What made it even worse for him was that this whole game was at night. He then turned to look at Hoseok, whose face was full of thrill and exhilaration.

"Hoseok, what theme did you pick?" Hoseok turned to look at Yoongi, a mischevious smirk on his face as he gave Yoongi a shrug.

"It's a surprise." Feeling a hand gripped around his wrist, Yoongi felt himself being dragged onto the bus by Jungkook who was letting out shouts of excitement.

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