He would go unnoticed, as always.

Naruto knew when he got to school it would be decided who was going on the trip with them. Naruto already knew Ino was bringing Sakura and Gaara was probably bringing Sasuke so already the trip is ruined.

The week they have off corresponds with their parents which is probably why they picked next week. That was good news because it meant he could bring Shikamaru.

When Naruto walked into the school front doors after getting off the bus he saw all his siblings and their friends with them by the lockers. The question Naruto asked himself was did they know he left early? or did they just not care.

Naruto walked past them all silently to his locker where Shikamaru was waiting for him. Naruto smiled and walked faster towards shikamaru.

At this point Naruto was practically charging towards his friend when he reached him Naruto jumped onto Shikamaru hugging him while shouting "Shikamaru! Thank god you're back!"

Naruto didn't care about the attention they received he was just happy, with Shikamaru here he would be able to last all day.

Shikamaru smirked and patted Naruto on the back. They pulled away and Naruto opened his locker while Shikamaru leaned against the others.

"What a drag, people are looking at us" Shikamaru closed his eyes and rested his head against the cold metal lockers.

He just wanted to go home and watch the clouds from his back yard. "Ya know my parents planned a trip and said we could invite a friend. Want to be my plus one?" Naruto shut his locker and turned to Shikamaru who did not answer him or even open his eyes.

"Shika, Shika, Shika! Maru" Naruto yelled poking his friends cheeks. Shikamaru sighed and looked to his left, Choji and Hinata were walking towards them. "Are you asking me out?" Shikamaru asked quite loudly and smirked when the two friends got close enough to hear.

He loved watching there expressions. "This could be our first date!" Naruto squealed. Naruto put his finger up to his chin pretending to think.

"Oh! We can tell my parents as well!" Naruto put his arm around Shikamarus shoulders. "Come on babe I'll walk you to class" Naruto tried very hard to contain his laughter when he saw Chojis face turn red and Hinata clearly regretting walking over here.

Naruto broke character when he saw Ino and Sakura watching them very closely. Naruto excused himself from his friends and walked over to Ino. While all three of Narutos friends were planning on going to the park after this.

Ino and Sakura quickly shut their phones off when Naruto got close enough. "Do you know who Gaara and Deidara are bringing?"Naruto asked Ino, who did not look up once while he was talking.

Naruto was used to this from Gaara and Ino while they were at school. The only one who doesnt ignore him is Deidara. "Ino?" Naruto put his hand up to touch her shoulder but she quickly flinched away.

"What do you want Naruto, I'm busy" Ino whisper yelled. Naruto sighed before turning away.

"Never mind" Naruto walked back to his friends and together they walked to first class English.

The classes were filled with boring note taking and homework that would be due after break. It was only Monday and already Naruto felt like he couldn't finish the week.

Lunch is the best time for everyone. Naruto and his friends all sit outside by the tree in the back.

Gaara and his friends come over to play football in the open grass when they're done and all the girls come over to watch. That was the only problem with lunch.

Naruto sat down with his lunch next to Shikamaru across from Choji and Hinata. But this lunch day was not like others, when they all sat down in their usual spots a few people came over.

Gaara, Kiba, Lee, Sasuke, Neji and Shino also came over to the table. "Naruto" Gaara said grabbing Naruto's attention, "Can we sit here? Our sister has become a problem"

Naruto turned his head to Gaaras table and saw Ino, Sakura, Karin and Ten-Ten fighting and fawning over the other boys at the table.

Naruto nodded his head and they all sat down, Gaara sat next to Naruto, Sasuke sat next to Gaara and Shino sat on the other side of Shikamaru.

Neji sat next to Hinata and quickly engaged in a conversation Lee and Kiba sat next to Choji and started a very intense conversation about chips.
After everyone was seated they all began to eat and have their usual lunch table conversations.

Naruto and Gaara without knowing both took out the food in the same order and at the same time. They unwrapped the sandwiches and took a bite at the same time. Everything they did was in sync.

Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch the two. It was mesmerizing, watching them lift their hands at the same time, chew at the same time.

Naruto and Gaara took another bite of their sandwiches before looking up and seeing everyone watching them. Naruto felt a little anxious and turned to look at Gaara, they both looked at each other and raised an eyebrow before swallowing at the same time. In unison asked "What" in the same tone.

Naruto looked to Shikamaru for an explanation but he was sleeping. "Whoa" Kiba and Lee said at the same time.

"Yeah that was freaky" Choji agreed nodding head turning back to his chips.

"What" They both asked again. Choji chuckled while Kiba looked frightened.

"You guys do everything the same way! Its crazy" Kiba said. 

Naruto turned to Gaara before saying "No we don't." Kiba looked shocked, absolutely baffled.

"Yes you do! Its freaky you're like twins!" Kiba yelled. Naruto looked at Kiba shocked before turning to a guilty looking Gaara.

Naruto shook his head, confused did they not know they were twins? What did they know? Did they know Naruto and Gaara were biological siblings?!

Naruto frowned before getting up from his seat and walking away. No one knows they're twins, does anyone know if they are even related? Naruto told his friends Gaara and him were twins, what's the big deal anyway? Why wouldn't he just tell them.
Naruto walked back into school and walked to the library.

All of Naruto's siblings are embarrassed of him and he doesn't even know why! It pisses him off, they walk around acting like he doesn't exist.
Ignoring his presence in school, at home, anywhere!

They can't talk to Naruto in public, someone might see them! Everyone knows a Naruto is the freak of the school for no reason!

Naruto doesn't like feeling sorry for himself and even right now, he doesn't, he hates himself. He always has.

Because he doesn't have the balls to do what he's always wanted. He wants to play on a sports team, he wants to raise his hand and answer questions, he wants to talk to Sasuke, he wants to get help.

He just wants to be himself, he put himself in this corner, in this box and now he just needs away out. That's all he wants.

Naruto finished school without talking to anyone the ride home was awkward, Gaara and Ino wanted to talk to Naruto, find a way to apologize. Both for completely different things.

Naruto was having none of it. He was making a plan up in his head to talk to his parents about getting help.

It's embarrassing for him, but he wants what his siblings have and he will get it.

Hopelessly in loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora