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I ran through the crowd.
I'm not letting him go this time.
He didn't even try to fight back.
He simply just smiled and waved at me.

I didn't care if I pushed the little people back rudely, I only cared about saving him.
T.O.P appeared in front of me.
I knew better.
I put my hand on him, and it went right through.

I knew it.

I ran right through the hologram and towards Jimin.
We had reached a pretty deserted area by now.
No one was there, and the snake had disappeared into the dark with Jimin.

"Shit-" I was abruptly cut off by something grabbing me and jerking me back.
I was pulled into the darkness, wrapped in the strong holds of the snake.
It's cold breath could be felt on my neck, along with its thin tongue brushing against my ear, sending shivers down my body.
I didn't dare breathe or move. I didn't want to die.
The snake held my tighter, pulling me alongside someone-Jimin.

"Jimin," I whispered.
"Mina. What-what are you doing here?!" He yelled, ignoring the snake.
"I told you, I was not going to leave you behind. So if we die, we die together," I said angrily.
The hissing of the snake could be heard.
"I can't even save you now! You can't even save yourself now!" He yelled at me.
"Shut up! You should be grateful I came to save you in the first place!"
"Save me?! You practically put yourself in danger too now!" I could tell he was frustrated and was starting to panic.
"Say whatever you want, I don't care."

Before I could think about anything else, I was slammed down onto a board, and could feel my wrists and ankles being held down by something cool.

Two large spotlights shone down, one on me, and the other in Jimin. He too was chained to a board like me.

"Now, now ladies and gentlemen, the real show has just begun!" A manly voice spoke, as I could see thousands of those tiny people crowded around us, cheering loudly.
"We have here our two players!" The lights blinked on us.
"They'll be playing the game, One More Death. The rules: the two contestants will perform tasks given by me, the one who completes the most tasks will be safe, while the one who doesn't...let's just say Callidus will be having a nice meal today!" After finishing explaining the gruesome rules, he laughed heartily like he had just won a lottery.

"Contestant number one! Park Jimin!"

The board Jimin was on started to move up into a vertical position, and the chains on his hands and ankles disappeared, leaving him on the floor.

"Task one: The tight rope. Walk on the tight rope, reach the end and grab the meat, bring it back to the other end. Be quick, because this tight rope starts to get looser as more time passes!"

I could see he was nervous. He looked over at me helplessly before shakily standing on the rope. I was amazed at how balanced he was. As he grabbed the meat, the rope wiggled, he held out his arms like an airplane, trying to regain balance, but failed, and fell into the ball pit.

"Task one: Failed!"

"Contestant Number Two: Mina! Your task: fight the jokers!"

Before I could think about my task, I landed on the floor with a thud and was surrounded by a small swarm of jolly jokers.

This is gonna be easy.

They jumped around me, their movements were lightning fast, creating a blur of blue and white around me.
I was tackled to the floor by an enormous force and could feel tiny sharp nails digging into my skin.

DARE- BTS JIMIN FANFICTION ✅Where stories live. Discover now