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Jimin's POV





Tell it to stop before it ends up killing me.


I don't want to die now.

Mina's POV

It was exactly 1 a.m.
I was sure mom was asleep by now.
She's a bit of a worrier, so if she gets anxious or worried about something, she usually takes sleep as a way to brush it off.

I wore a large black sweater, with black sweatpants.
My small bag was full of snacks and a camera.
I had a Swiss knife and flashlight securely kept in the zipper pocket of my sweater- even if I lose my bag, I'll still have the two necessities on me.

Grabbing a pillow, I put it under my blanket, creating an illusion of me sleeping in my bed.

She'll eventually find out it's a pillow, but oh well.

My footsteps were careful and quiet all the way to the front door- from there, I sprinted my way outside.
My flashlight was in my hand, but it wasn't turned on, as I was using the moonlight to help me find the way.

I stopped and smiled.

See, I'm not crazy. The mansion- it's right there.

Pulling over my hood, I nervously took to a jog towards the place I dreaded most, and ironically, the same place I couldn't wait to visit.

The door opened itself, inviting me to my own death.

At least I'll die doing something good.

It was the same, and so, it was easier to find my way through.

A shudder ran down my back as I passed the snake room.





I stopped dead in my tracks, paralyzed with fear.
Closing my eyes, my feet took me back, and I unlocked the door.




I ran outside, frantically moving my flashlight around, trying to find something that lead me to the roof.
Yes, a ladder.

Though I was exploding with fear, the thought of him suffering like that...I just couldn't shake it out.

My hands shook terribly, making climbing the ladder a difficult task.
Finally, I reached the top, and observed the roof.
My eyes landed on a huge silhouette of a snake.


I walked towards the figure, my eyes never leaving the snake. If I blink even once, anything can happen.
I was right behind it at this point, until it whipped around.
My feet were rooted to the ground, I wanted to run, but Jimin was there.
Only then did I realize that it was a good idea to practically jump off the roof when I realized that the snake held a mannequin in its clutches, not Jimin.

DARE- BTS JIMIN FANFICTION ✅Where stories live. Discover now