Chapter 55: Housing

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fun level 74 Original MC Sans and Frisk

The rain outside pattered on the restaurant's glass as Sans leaned on his bony elbow staring out the window. A small monster, almost human except for its horns, was getting its face thrown to the ground. Helping would be a good thing, he thought, remembering another kid he once had to help.

That kid was now his wife, carrying his kids, and munching on some fries. Frisk. She looked out that same window and the next fry never made it to her mouth. "We should help that kid, he's getting pummeled."

"Yeah, should." Sans reached over toward her fries and snagged one. He didn't move and wouldn't. What would walking over accomplish now? Kid was hurt and bullies were cussing. Nothing left to do but run off. Maybe way back he'd go over, pick him up, dust him off and ask if he was okay but times changed.

He had a wife and twins to consider. The world was hard, tough.

"We should have helped." Frisk tried to tug the fry back but Sans gently grabbed her arm, pulled her toward him, and nudged her chin with his chin bone. She opened her mouth, allowing him access to kiss her. It was a better use of their time.

"Um-uh, um!" Alphys voice invaded their moment. "Did the waitress bring the fries?"

"Looks like Sans was busy getting his own fries." Undyne sat beside him in the booth while Alphys sat on the other side.

"Me and Frisk were frying up something 'til you came back." Sans sat back down along with Frisk. "Did you two tell on us?"

"Didn't have to," Undyne said, "and I won't be surprised if King Asgore melted your guys' home phone."

His sweet Ladykid would have to be in the house, hiding her baby bump for months so others didn't find out about her. "Hey, a monster friendly establishment doesn't just grow on trees. How many people in a restaurant were actually all monsters? None I know."

"Sure, sure," Undyne said unconvinced. "It doesn't help that you've got a temptation out here, right in front of you."

"Not my fault that the only monster friendly establishment just happens to know that Grillby is the finest damn cook out there."

Frisk chuckled, grabbing a napkin to wipe her face. "It has nothing to do with the fact you found Grillby, brought him here, and introduced them?"

"Just being nice." Nah, those monsters would be idiots not to hire Grillby. For one, he worked with magic so food supplies weren't as big of an issue. For two, as soon as the place got discovered as being ran by monsters, humans abandoned it, the restaurant's suppliers stopped service, and their business was booming the other way.

Toward monsters. "No supplies but lots of customers," Sans said, "it was the only logical thing to do."

"Sure. Speaking of logical," Undyne said as she scooped up one of her fries, "what about your private talk with King Asgore?"

What about Frisk's talk with Tori? "Tough to get away for private talks. Busy and stuff, all the time." Sans gestured toward the front, catching Grillby's attention. "Hey Grillby, one burg right here!"

"That one or two luxuries?" Undyne asked as a waiter brought another burg toward him.

"One." The first burg was necessity. Yes, the juicy smell invaded his magic senses and he welcomed it.
"Um." Alphys poked at her burger with her fork. "Sans? Maybe, you know, you should consider it? He is your father in law. Oh, and, King. Um, and he didn't say howdy this morning like always."

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