After that night when Irene explained everything to Taehyung, Taehyung also took emergency precautions and hired policemen to guard his house because he knew if Park Jimin was back and if Irene was right and he was after her, then he would probably show up real soon again.
Irene was in her room, and Taehyung was meeting up with the police chief Lee Taemin who was visiting Taehyung's house to make sure everything was going smooth.

"Thank you Taemin, I really appreciate what you are doing here, what will all the guarding and chauffeuring, I am in your debt" Taehyung says as he hands Taemin a drink while they both sit in the guest room of the mansion.

"You don't need to thank me about it Taehyung, with all that you have done for me and my family in the past there is nothing i can do to repay you" Taemin says in a calm voice as he takes a sip out of his drink.

"Yeah well helping me dump a dead mutilated body is pretty close to repaying me though" Taehyung says smiling referring to the robber who tried to rape Irene.

"What he did was wrong and he got what he had coming to him, I did a background check on him after and I found out that he was involved in more than 7 robberies in the last 1 year and had been accused of rape more 10 times so you kinda did us a favor by killing him......................but anyway, I gotta ask Taehyung. What's the problem, I mean you don't just hire police to be on guard 24/7 unless some serious shit is going down" Taemin asks him in a low voice trying to figure out the what but Taehyung calmly finishes his drink and faces Taemin.

"Your the chief of police Taemin........... You tell me if there is some shit going down in my city" Taehyung asks in a sharp tone making eye contact with Taemin, and Taemin immediately breaks of the eye contact and sighs before telling Taehyung what really is going on.

"Well I didn't want to say anything but the name you gave me, Park Jimin was it. That name is in South Korea's most wanted list, every guy with a badge is looking for him and I don't even know if I should be telling you this or not but...........word is he's with the Yakuza, and you know how rumors travel. I heard from source that a young and merciless killer from Japan has been dominating the underworld crime business, the dude has united all the major crime families in South Korea and is right now running everything illegal, from drugs to sex trafficking and murder, you name it.............So Taehyung let me ask you again, what is the reason behind you calling my men here because if it involves Park Jimin, then I'll need a freaking army to protect you and your house" Taemin gives Taehyung a grim warning and Taehyung is shocked to hear this. He would've never thought Jimin would end up going down a path like this. Even imagining the idea of the man who was his best friend turning into a stone cold killer was bizarre and haunting. Taehyung remains quiet for a minute pondering whether it is best to tell Taemin of his past history with Jimin.

"Park Jimin - - Park Jimin used to be a close friend of mine" Taehyung says in a low voice with his head lowered.

"What!" Taemin is surprised to hear this revealed all of a sudden.

"He and I used to be close friends in the past, I considered him to be someone precious to me and I valued him...........So much so that I asked him to be my best man on my wedding - - but he did something, something that left a deep wound in me.................Something that made me despise his entire existence, and I would've killed him by now, but he got away and left the country before I could ever get my hands on him, and now he's back. He's back to take something from me, something I hold precious in my heart and he won't stop at any cost....................But I won't let him, I will wipe that flith from the face of the earth if it's the last thing I do" Taehyung explains everything to Taemin, and everything starts to make sense for Taemin as he turns to Taehyung.

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