87 17 123

*The round has finished, and you feel weary from the effort. You look around and see the others have finished up their battles as well, but the feeling you had before the round started now comes back to you full force.

Images flash before your minds-eye: a skirmish, death, a hole, darkness...

You're snapped back to the present as you hear the host speaking.*

"Contestants, you have done well praising your opponents. Each praise was colorful and sharp-witted, tactful and full-hearted. Now it goes to the crowd to vote, and you-"

*You see you moment and speak up* "What happened to the other contestants?"

*The crowd goes silent, and you see a vein appear on the host's neck, eye twitching. You get the sense that you've drawn too much attention to yourself.*

"You need not concern yourself with the others, they are well taken care of. Return to your quarters for the voting. Now."


A great round guys! Some of those "praises" were just gold!

Now we're on to the voting, and you all should know how this works by now, but here's the DL on how to do it:

You are going to vote ONCE PER GROUP, meaning you cannot vote for both of them. Pretty simple, but very important. The voting will run for 24hrs, and end on 8/11 at 8pm PST and then the voting is done. ANY VOTES CAST AFTER THAT TIME WILL NOT COUNT! So please make sure you vote early to make sure it counts.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Proceed below to vote!


Team One:

Morwen (Nyghtfyre_Stars)  

Morgoth (ThatOneWriter2001)

Team Two:

Luthien (MarvelKenley)

Maedhros (Silmarilz1701)

Team Three:

Boromir (autumn_sunfire)

Haleth (Illeandir)  

Team Four:

 Bilbo (AmdirethGoldleaf)

Gimli (d0pp3lgang3r) Did not post, therefore, AmdirethGoldleaf moves on by default.

Team Five: 

Tauriel (TaurielandKili)  

Eowyn (NethEllethTeithant)

Team Six:

Thranduil (Twilightshadow-of-NC)

Thuringwethil (baileygaines)  

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