Round Three: Matchups

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Things are getting down to the wire now as we battle to see who our final two contestants will be! I'm so excited!

In this round I've got a little something to spice things up.

Each contestant must select ONE of the previous characters, and the person who played them; these people will help them construct one of their posts and they must be in it.

Azog: blah blah blah grumble
Goblin King: grumble snort fart.

If someone is tagged by multiple they may choose who it is they would like to assist.

Does this make sense? Great!

Here are the matchups:

Aragorn (jsclingman) vs. Thorin (arwen_galadriel) battling at Beorn's house

Gandalf (MarvelKenley) vs. Mirkwood Spider (Shadow873) battling in Esgoroth

Each person will have three posts (only current contestants) and you will have until SUNDAY AT 8AM (6/11/18) to get your posts in. This is to allow you time to work with your partner.

Battles start tomorrow, so I suggest you start tagging people;)
Remember, they must be people who participated in the season.

Ready! Set! GO!

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