Round One Results

168 19 57

Thank you to our valiant contestants and readers for your votes. The results are in and what a surprising twist it has been!

One twist is the fact that I did not do the math correctly. Basically, with 14 peoples going down to 7 (you see where this is going) one person would not be able to compete. To correct this, I picked the person with the next highest amount of votes and who I felt had some great comebacks, burns, and so on. I apologize for this oversight on my part.

The contestants moving on are:

1)Mirkwood Spider: Shadow873

2) Thorin: arwen_galadriel

3) Pippin: baileygaines

4) Gandalf: MarvelKenley

5) Treebeard: KKat203

6) Turin Turambar: Silmarilz1701

7) Aragorn: jsclingman

8) Frodo: Twilightshadow-of-NC

Let's give a big shoutout to our fellow competitors who, while not making it this time, put up one heck of a fight!

Contestants, take your ease this holiday weekend, enjoy the spotlight your victory has earned you, and prepare yourself for Round Two which will start up on Tuesday.

And who knows what can happen ;)

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