Round One Match-Ups

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Alright, now we come to it, the deep breath before the plunge. Here you will find out who you will be facing in Round One, and where it will be taking place. Steel yourself, my friends, the battle for Middle Earth is about to begin!

Battling atop Angband: Aragorn (jsclingman) vs. Turin Turambar (Silmarilz1701)

Battling on Amon Hen: Witch-King (GerithorDunedain) vs. Treebeard (KKat203)

Battling in the Mines of Moria: Gandalf (MarvelKenley) vs. Manwë (TheSilmarillion)

Battling on Mount Doom: Shelob (Illeandir) vs. Mirkwood Spider (Shadow873)

Battling in the Grey Havens: Gollum (tarsrife) vs. Pippin (baileygaines)

Battling in Hobbiton: Thorin (arwen_galadriel) vs. Arwen (PilindielTheElf)

Battling in Doriath: Frodo (Twilightshadow-of-NC) vs. Beregond (Storm_Herald)

Round One will begin in the next chapter with a short intro on how it will work :)

In the meantime, feel free to heckle your opponent :D

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