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You look at the others around you, hatred oozing from every pore in your body. They are all that stands between you and the glory and renown you deserve. Curse them!

Hands trembling from the rage building up within you, you reach for your dagger and sprint towards them, meeting with a terrible clash.

The free-for-all has begun.


That's right folks, it's a free-for-all.

No teams. No planning. No allies.

At the end of ROUND FOUR, two people will be leaving us, which mean there will be three people left. The two that pass this round will face off against me in ROUND FIVE >:D One will go home, the other will face off against Boromir for the title of CHAMPION!

Here's how this round will work:

It is Eowyn (NethEllethTeithant) vs. Luthien (MarvelKenley) vs. Bilbo (AmdirethGoldleaf vs Morwen (Nyghtfyre_Stars), meaning you can attack any and all whom you wish. To help you along with this, each of you will have their own thread on which people can post and you can reply.

Here's an example:

(Bilbo's thread)

Morwen attacks him

He can respond by posting on her thread (this should help from having four battles going on just one thread)

Does that make sense?

You do not have to attack everyone, but it is advised ;)

If you need clarification, head on over to the QUESTIONS THREAD below and let me know!

You will have FOUR DAYS and you may post up to FIVE POSTS EACH should you wish to do so. The minimum posts will be TWO. Battles end at 8pm on 8/25

Ah yes, I almost forgot....



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