102 15 73

*You awake the next morning feeling refreshed, albeit slight foggy in the head. Something stirs in your memory, something important that you know you should remember, but simply...don't.

You decide to head to the area to see if the next round matchups have been put up yet. Along the way, you run into one of your fellow competitors and strike up a conversation about the previous round, laughing and joking with each other good-naturedly.

Both of you stop in front of the gate and read silently to yourselves as you look for your name on the list.*

1) Morwen (Nyghtfyre_Stars) vs. Morgoth (ThatOneWriter2001)

2) Luthien (MarvelKenley) vs. Maedhros (Silmarilz1701)

3) Boromir (autumn_sunfire) vs. Haleth (Illeandir)

4) Bilbo (AmdirethGoldleaf) vs. Gimli (d0pp3lgang3r)

5) Tauriel (TaurielandKili) vs. Eowyn (NethEllethTeithant)

6) Thranduil (Twilightshadow-of-NC) vs. Thuringwethil (baileygaines)

*Feeling confident seeing who you are matched against, you begin to think of how you're going to outshine your opponent in the arena. You head back to your room to begin practicing.*


Okay, who's excited to head into Round Two!? I am, and I think this round is going to be awesome. There are a couple of housekeeping things that I need to clear up before we head into it, however.

1) There is to be no swearing in either the comments or your posted pieces. If I see it pop up again, I will remove ONE vote from your overall count per swear word I find in your work. This contest is to be clean from sexual content and foul language, as there is simply no need for it. 

No one is in trouble for this, and this only applies to everyone moving forward. Everyone understand?

2) When you are voting, please make sure you are reading how to do it. There was some difficulty on my part trying to count everything because people commented two names in the same post, rather that one per name. Please make sure you're only putting one name in each post when you're voting. It helps so much! :D Thanks!

Alright, sound off below!

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