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*The roar of the crowd greets you as you make your way through the gates towards the center of the arena, thoughts from the previous day still nagging at you. Why can you not remember?

You look around at your fellow competitors, wondering if they feel the same way, wondering if they remember...what? You mutter a curse in frustration as you await the arrival of the host.

You suddenly recall that he has not given you a name. Moreover, you wonder why you have not questioned him a single time about any of this, and why he had been dressed as an innkeeper. You vow to question him after the round.

As you're lost in thought, he appears.*

"Greetings, and welcome once again. You have made it to the second round of this competition through your skills, but do not think it will be easier. Nay, with each round the challenges will become harder to put you to the test.

In this round, you must sing the praises of your opponent for all to hear!"

*You stagger back in revulsion at the thought of having to praise them.*

*I raise my hands up* "This will be a true challenge of your skills. Good luck."


You read that right, you must sing the praises of the person you are facing. This doesn't mean you cannot be slightly passive-aggressive or sarcastic, but it cannot be the whole time, otherwise, it will not meet the challenge. I would recommend a couple well-placed blows while the rest of it focuses on their better attributes ;)

In this round, you will have FOUR (4) posts, and it will run until Friday at 8pm Pacific Standard Time.

Also, there is no set order to who will start this round, so either person can be first to post.

If you have any questions, please let me know in the questions thread in the comments.


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