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*You've been waiting for the last day to hear who shall be making it through to the next round...and who will be getting shipped off to the hole. 

Realizing you still have several hours left before the winners will be announced, you decide to take action and find the hole. You slip on your boots, pull your cloak around your shoulders, and head out.

You sneak out and try to remember your way to the hole. Your memory is foggy, and you only get glimpses and pictures, and you wonder in growing frustration that there seems to be something suppressing the memory. But why?

You round the corner and throw yourself back towards cover. The host was standing, back turned, staring down into the hole with several orcs jeering down into it. You peek around the corner and eavesdrop on their conversation.


"I want you to kill them only after the competition is completed, I don't want anyone else suspecting what it really going on," I say.

"If you say so, Gorthung," one of the orcs replied, "I still think we should kill'em now."

"Then it's good that I do not require you to think!" I storm. "Now, go and make sure no one has wandered off, but don't let them see you. Go."


You rush back to your room and bolt the door, mind racing and heart pounding. Orcs? Gorthung? Kill them?

You sit down on your cot, head in your hands. You know that those who don't make it would be thrown down in the hole, and that whenever this was done they would die.

Now you are faced with two thoughts:

Help them, and risk your life doing so


Pretend like you've seen nothing.

The choice is yours.


Alright, I must say this is probably one of the best rounds of voting we've had this season! (I know it's literally the second time, cut me some slack, it's the little things in life haha)

As the thing above says, it's YOUR choice now. YOU will dictate how this story will end for you. Do you plan on helping, or going after the glory?

The way this works will be based on the majority. Comment on the one you wish to see take place, and whichever one has the most (only first comment counts) that will decide the fate of the others.

So it's time to make your choice!


On to the results!

Moving onto the next round:

1) Morwen (Nyghtfyre_Stars)

2) Luthien (MarvelKenley)

3) Boromir (autumn_sunfire)

4) Bilbo (AmdirethGoldleaf)

5) Eowyn (NethEllethTeithant)

6) Thuringwethil (baileygaines)

Congrats to everyone moving on, and thank you to everyone who will be leaving us, you were amazing!

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