16. The littlest things.

Start from the beginning

He blinked and Simi instantaneously flashed. Shit! He told her he'd be right back and she must have thought he'd come back but he didn't. He looked at his phone, 11:55pm, almost midnight. He thought to go back downstairs but would she still be there waiting for him? It'd been about thrity minutes that he excused himself so he couldn't be sure. Without another thought, he dropped his phone again and darted out of his room as if he was already late for an appointment.

When he reached downstairs, everything was off. The TV, the lights and even she was gone with the bottle of vodka, he assumed 'cause that was out of sight too. A pang gripped his heart and a deep sigh exhaled from him. Even though it was short, her company had a soothing effect on him, always did and now that he needed it, she was gone. Story of his life.

He turned back and upped the stairs into his room thinking of how everything just had to be bad luck with him, even the littlest things. If he hadn't used his pills earlier, maybe he'd have been in a worse shape now. He still needed to call Lily and settle whatever it is that was the problem but more importantly he needed his liquor and it was with Simi on the other side of the door. He needed them both.


Sleep was so far away from him because his mind was unsettled, all over the place. He had tried calling Lily once but fortunately and unfortunately for him, it was unavailable so he just laid back on his bed facing the ceiling, his hands under his head listening to the soft sound of the rain. It had already stopped raining heavy, it only drizzled and a cold wind whistled through the windows.

At this particular moment, in this weather, he had stopped thinking of Lily and their problem. He could only think of how cuddling would have been so perfect right now. He missed that; the love and affection of being in a woman's fragile embrace and the feeling of being special that he used to have and now it was like he couldn't even remember how they felt like anymore.

He turned around adjusting his pillow so that he would rest on his side and maybe find some sleep when he heard a sharp sound from Simi's room. He was immediately alerted and his eyes opened. What the fuck was that? Everything became silent again and then he started hearing foot movements. Pronto, he checked his phone, 12:34am. What's going on over there? He listened more carefully and the movements didn't stop causing his jitters to grow until he couldn't help but knock on her door.

He was going to hit the door again when she turned the knob and his eyes widened to see that she was still very much awake.

"Hey." She said in a low voice when she saw that it was him and though she was surprised too as to why he had come over at such time she wore a cool face still. He peered into the room from where he stood outside to see if anything was wrong and he found nothing.

"I'm sorry I thought I heard weird noises from here because I thought you'd be asleep but it looks like everything is okay."

"Oh I spilled some water but I just cleaned it up. I didn't think I was that noisy. I hope it didn't wake you."

"No I wasn't sleeping yet," He looked briefly at her face and it was like she was studying him too. It made him uneasy so he immediately continued,

"And I'm sorry about earlier. I just got caught up with stuff inside and by the time I came back down you were gone."

"Oh no it's...it's okay. (She lied.) I figured and I had things to do in here too." She stopped talking and as if she could read him, she asked,

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