The After - Sean

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"Happy Birthday!" Was the only warning I got as someone launched themselves on top of me.

"Oof." I whined, trying to curl protectively around my still tender middle, while being assaulted. "Why?"

"Aw, come on, Brat! Wakey wakey!"

"Matty?" I grumbled, surprised and still half asleep.

"Duh! You have any other older brothers I need to know about?" He asked.

"You sound way too chipper for... however early it is."

"Meh. I'm always chipper! Where is your better half, anyway? I thought he'd be the first one here." Matt mused, glancing around the room, as if making sure Danny wasn't hiding in a corner somewhere.

I kept my eyes closed, feeling the familiar numbness of Danny's absence spread through me. "He's late." I mumbled, burying my face into my pillow.

Matty was silent for a moment. I peeked at him, sure he was about to say something regarding Danny's abscence. Instead, he jostled me violently and I groaned. "Well, his loss. Come on, there's a surprise waiting for you downstairs." He bounced once more on my bed, making me roll toward the dip his much larger body created on my matress.

He jumped to his feet and bounded out of the room, laughing as I cursed him under my breath.

Silence, familiar and unwelcome, greeted me after Matty took his chipper self down the hall. Even though I knew he wasn't there, I couldn't help my gaze from scanning the empty corners, just like Matty had.

It was stupid, really. Letting my eyes linger on the spot we usually sat on, with our backs against my bed, to play videogames. Or the equally empty side of the bed next to me. Danny wasn't there. The only news I'd had from him dated to a few days ago, when I'd broken down and sent him a text.

Me: just tell me you're alive.

Danny: I'm alive.

Eleven years of friendship - well, twelve, actually, as of six a.m. - resumed to two words:

I'm alive.

I blinked and rubbed the remaining sleep from my eyes, wondering how long I could hide from the surprise waiting for me downstairs.

I was honestly kind of shocked my mother had gone to the trouble of doing anything for my birthday. After my two week suspension for trying to "cave Price's head in with a boulder", according to Price, my mother had been a nervous wreck, and convinced I was one wrong step away from expulsion, and therefore, the complete and utter ruin of my future - her words, not mine. I honestly couldn't say I blamed her.

With one last overly dramatic sigh, I swung my legs over the bed and paded on barefeet to the bathroom.

"Surprise!" Keanna squealed and launched herself at me.

"Morning, Kaykay." I mumbled into her braids. 

Keanna huffed out indignantly at my use of her least favorite nickname and squeezed me tighter. 

"Happy Birthday." Luna's voice was softer, a little shyer, as she hugged me and Keanna.

"Hey, Luna," I said. 

My mother was next in line for a hug. "Happy Birthday, baby," She said, squeezing me just as tight, if not more, than Keanna had and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. 

And then, to my surprise, Turner walked up to me and hugged me. Well, a more apt description would be to say he engulfed me in his arms, seeing as he was considerably larger than me. Or anyone else standing in the kitchen, for that matter. 

Book I: to cross oceans for [BxB] (trans) - completedWhere stories live. Discover now