Shadow - Danny

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Waking up without Sean was quickly becoming something I hated. After having the foggy and lingering memory of my arms wrapped around him, I woke up to an empty bed. And a killer hangover.

The physical pain was only dulled by my newly discovered heartache, as the days passed without him next to me. His absence was this void surrounding me that I swayed on the edge of, trying not to fall in.

We'd never been apart for more than a couple of days. And never because he was angry and refused to text me back or answer any of my calls.

I wanted to be patient and give him space. But I was miserable and I couldn't take it anymore.

Students walked around me but I barely noticed them. There was just one familiar face I wanted to see.

I stood by Shawnie's locker, waiting to talk to him. Because I couldn't stand this distance between us anymore.

Everyday away from him was torture. Everything seemed too loud. The world had too many teeth and sharp edges and I was tired of bleeding. I wanted, needed,  him back.

I'd beg if that's what it took. I just wouldn't leave without talking to him and getting him back.

“Hey. It's been a while.” A voice said from behind me.

“Hi, Kenny.” I said absentmindedly.

“What have you been up to?” he asked.

I barely resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Kenny was one of the guys that liked to “experiment” with me. Never mind he knew more about what he was doing than I did.

“Get lost, Kenny.” I said, not even bothering to look at him.

“Come on, I'm bored. How about I come over tonight?” He asked, suggestively.

I felt his body slide closer to mine and wanted to push him away.

“This isn't the best time. I mean it, get lost. I'm not interested.” I snapped, hoping he'd take the dismissal for what it was.

“Since when? You're always interested.” He said, his voice dropping and octave.

I opened my mouth to answer, but something caught my eye. A figure moving towards where we stood.

It was Sean. He had his head bent and was hugging himself, arms wrapped around his stomach protectively.

Something was wrong. I didn't even have to see his face to know. I moved away from Kenny and stepped towards him.

His head snapped up and his eyes widened at seeing me. His eyes were puffy and red. From crying. He'd been crying.

“What happened?” I asked, running my eyes over him.

He stood there, just looking back at me while I took stock of him. There was a red stain on his jacket. And another one on his right knee.

“What happened?” I asked again, more urgently.

“It's nothing. It was just an accident.” He mumbled, rubbing at a spot on his cheek.

“You're bleeding!” I said, pulling his hand away from his face so I could look closer at the red stain on the back.

“No, I'm fine, it's not-“

“It's just paint.” Kenny said, peering over my shoulder.

Shawnie clenched his jaw and pulled his hand back. I wanted to punch Kenny.

“Looks like the boys got you good.” Kenny said and chuckled.

Shawnie's eyes filled with tears and he looked away, blushing.

Book I: to cross oceans for [BxB] (trans) - completedWhere stories live. Discover now