Comfort - Sean

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Just a quick heads-up.

Some offensive language and derogatory terms ahead.

Also, some (mild) mature content.

'K, Bye.


My arms strained to keep my weight. My sides hurt and every breath I took felt like my lungs were being filled beyond capacity and were about to give out.

I pulled myself up and tumbled onto Danny's carpet, bitting my lip against the pain exploding... everywhere. I gasped as I got to my feet, my stomach seizing up from all the bruised muscles being used.

I limped to the bed and sat gingerly on the edge.

Everything hurt. He was careful not to hit my face, but everything bellow my neck felt like it had been beaten to a pulp.

I'd have bruises in the morning, big ones that would be difficult to hide. Luckily, no one ever saw me naked. I chuckled darkly at that and winced at the pain.

I kicked off my shoes and grunted because even that hurt. There was no way I'd be able to take off my hoodie, putting it on after sneaking into my room, showering and sneaking back out, had already been difficult enough.

At least I was already wearing pajama pants. So I pulled myself under the covers, groaning and fighting back tears and waited for Danny to get home. He had practice today so I would be waiting a while.

The smart thing would've been to stay home and hide under my bed, like the scared coward I was. But I didn't want to hide tonight - not only because crawling under my bed would be very painful - I wanted comfort.

I wanted Danny.

I wanted him to kiss away my aches and pains. I wanted, for just one night, to pretend like we were something other than best friends and practice partners. I wanted to pretend he was mine and I was his. Just for tonight.

I pulled the covers over me and waited. I buried my face in Danny's pillow. It smelled like him. I took a deep breath and sighed. I did my best to keep my eyes open, wanting to wait up for him. But I was exhausted and the pain medication had finally started to kick in.

So I closed my eyes, just for minute.

I woke with something warm brushing against my neck. It pulled me gently from sleep but I kept my eyes closed, revelling in the feeling.

"This is a nice surprise." A soft and husky voice said against my throat, the warm breath against my skin shiver-inducing.

Under any other circumstance, it would've felt nice. Amazing even, to wake up with Danny's breath ghosting over my neck. But I was bruised and aching and the involuntary shiver woke some of the pains that had gone blissfully undetected while I napped.

I squeezed my eyes shut and bit back any reaction to how much moving hurt. Danny, his face still buried in my neck, didn't notice.

His damp hair tickled my cheek and I sighed, trying to relax my body, hoping the pain would stop once I did.
Danny pulled back and smiled at me, soft and oh, so tender.

"Hi." He murmured, brushing my perpetually unruly hair out of my eyes.

"Hi." I croaked back, my voice raspy from sleep. I cleared my throat and he chuckled.

"Thought we were going to study tonight." He said, his fingers lingering over my brow. I closed my eyes, wanting to memorize the touch.

"Please, no math tonight." I mumbled.

Book I: to cross oceans for [BxB] (trans) - completedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin