Trash - Sean

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It was over a week to the day I had started tutoring Turner. Everything had seemed fine at first. I avoided being seen with him outside the music room as much as possible and stuck close to Keanna and Danny.

He'd only texted to let me know he'd be late once and to ask if we could maybe try using the library next time.

Danny was even managing his jealousy and Keanna had kept up the constant questions and prodding about what it was like being up close and personal to our school's star football player.

Everything seemed fine.

“You’re not very concerned for your health, are you? Or you must have a really good insurance plan.” Estella said, her voice deceptively calm.

My back collided with the lockers noisily and I winced, already imagining the bruises. The huge brunette - an oddity for Estella's minions - that was shoving me against the lockers, turned out to be the same one that had tackled me and given me a busted lip.

I wondered what someone that was clearly unlike all the other clones could possibly get from hanging around Estella. Immunity, perhaps?

I suppose there was some merit to the claim that if you were the scariest animal in the jungle, no one fucked with you.

But, as she shoved me back against the lockers and pressed her meaty forearm against my throat, I found it very difficult to muster any sympathy for her.

I coughed and tried to push her away but my arms were grabbed and pulled flat against the lockers.

Panic welled up inside of me. I was helpless. There were four of them – which, why was that exactly? Was that some sort of cabalistic number for them? Weren’t odd numbers the ones of importance? Like, 3, 5 and 7? I swore I had read that somewhere – and only one of me.

The girl pressed her forearm harder against my throat and I thrashed against the lockers, making the metal dig further into my back. It got harder and harder to breathe.

All of a sudden I was released and collapsed on the floor, coughing and sputtering, my legs unable to hold me up.

“Maybe you should have listened. I mean, we did try and give you fair warning first. But you insisted and kept seeing Turner. Tsc tsc.” She said. Her pristine shoes filled my vision as the brunette stepped back to give her room.

She feigned a kick towards my head and I flinched back, my head colliding with the metal lockers again. I winced but bit back the groan of pain threatening to escape. I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction.

She laughed, that same empty and hollow laugh that I’d unfortunately gotten well acquainted with over the past week.

God, how I hated her and everyone else that let her get away with shit like this.

Fighting back would only make it worse. So I stayed quiet and closed my eyes, hoping they would lose interest soon enough.

“Aw, look at that sad puppy face.” She said in a mocking voice. “Is it going to cry?”

Bile rose in my stomach and I gave serious consideration to throwing up all over her face. But I did want to get out of this without being badly bruised. Well, more than I already was, that is.

“Hm, maybe we should just teach it a lesson. What do you say girls?” she asked, looking around for support.

Her blonde Barbie dolls all snickered and nodded.

My stomach knotted. I tried climbing to my feet and push the big brawny brunette away from me, but she just grabbed the back of my neck and dragged me along behind Estella and her posse.

Book I: to cross oceans for [BxB] (trans) - completedWhere stories live. Discover now