Tell Me a Secret - Sean

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Friday night was movie night. Except this Friday night because apparently, Keanna had a hot date.

Soooo,” I said, fiddling with the jewelry she'd set on my bed while getting ready. “Where are you taking Luna?”

She turned and narrowed her eyes at me while buttoning her shirt. I waggled my eyebrows and she smiled.

“This place called Patricio's. It's new-ish. Italian.” She turned back to the mirror and started putting on her makeup.

I honestly did not understand how girls could stand to have all those layers of concealer, powder, eye shadow and whatever else went into their look all day long on their faces.

“Italian, huh? Nice, I always felt like first dates should have at least one pasta course.” I said.

“It's not our first date.” She said, bitting her tongue while curving her eyelashes up with was undoubtedly a torture device.

“Oh? I thought you said you weren’t dating, per se. That you had just hung out a couple of times.” I said, paraphrasing what she'd told us after confessing to having spent way too long watching Luna's hair and finding words that rhymed with shinny, glossy and luminous.

I hadn’t decided yet if it was creepy or endearing. Maybe it was creepily endearing. Or endearingly creepy.

Meh. Either way, Keanna was all glammed up to go out with a hot chick. She'd come over to get ready at my house, claiming she needed an impartial opinion and could always count on me to be brutally honest.

I felt like maybe I should be offended by that.

Also, like she was maybe lying. Just a little bit. I had a feeling she and Danny were in cahoots behind my back to try and find out what had really happened earlier today.

Keanna had come to entice me with showing off her look to her hot date and I was sure Danny would make an appearance later to try a different method of coaxing it out of me.

“How do I look?” she asked, spreading her arms and turning so I could see the outfit she had chosen from all angles.

She was wearing a blue and green button up shirt and some really tight black skinny jeans. Oh, and six inch heels.

Her makeup was subtle but the golden eyeshadow she had chosen made her hazel eyes just pop.

“You look like a goddess.” I said, not even trying to keep the awe from my voice.

She smiled at me smugly. “Damn right I do.”

Keanna put on her jewelry, a simple golden necklace with a pink stone dangling from it and a matching golden bracelet.

“So, what are your plans for the evening?” she asked.

“Eat ice cream. Then Danny. Probably.” I said, shrugging.

She raised her eyebrows at me and I flushed when I replayed the sentence in my head.

“Not-not eat Danny, per se. I meant, eat the ice cream and then hang out with Danny. Or, you know, hang out while eating ice cream.” I stuttered.

“Or maybe eat ice cream with something hanging out? Or maybe eat ice cream off of Danny with- “

“Okay, okay, I get it. I’m bad at... words and stuff.” I mumbled, blushing furiously trying very, very hard not to picture myself eating anything off of Danny.

“No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. You should eat something off of him.” She said casually.

I gaped at her.

Book I: to cross oceans for [BxB] (trans) - completedWhere stories live. Discover now