F*ck The Stars - Sean/Danny

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It was cold, my breath fogging the air in front of me with every exhalation. I sighed, gazing at the now empty football field. The cold, plastic seat underneath me was uncomfortable, but I still refused to move.

I worried at the safety pin on the sleeve of my hoodie, rolling it in between my fingers, then brought the cold metal to my lips. I held it there, gaze unfocused.

My body was sore. I felt dirty and grimmy from the events of the day - in more ways than one. My head still hurt and the left side of my face felt a bit swollen and tender to the touch. I'd probably have a bruise. But on the list of things that concerned me, that didn't even make it to the top ten. I wanted nothing more than to curl up with my favorite blanket under my bed, Danny's arms wrapped tightly around me while he silently breathed against my skin. Even if I knew it was just hopeless, wishful thinking, it didn't stop me from wanting it. 

It was dark and cold, and technically, I wasn't supposed to be on school grounds that late. But after an epic speech from my mother about not getting into fist fights with bullies, because that was the response of people of lesser intelligence - her words, not mine - I was in desperate need of some quiet time. Also, I vehemently disagreed with my mother, and was all in favor of violence when it came to dealing with Price. Even if that meant my IQ would drop by a couple dozen points. 

After said speech, Keanna and Turner gave their account of what had in fact happened, and not Price's convoluted fabrication, making sure Masterson knew Price and Parker had provoked the whole thing. It was probably the only reason why I hadn't been expelled. Oh, I'd still been suspended because even though the Peas had escalated the fight, I'd thrown the first punch. Or rather, the first book.

I chuckled to myself and shook my head, remembering the moment the thick history textbook hit Price square in the face. And the even more memorable moment I'd double-kicked him in the balls.

The small smile curving my lips disappeared when another image flashed in my mind; the look of fear on Price's face as I held the rock over his head, fully intending to bring it down on his skull. 

Granted, the stone wasn't big enough to cause significant damage. Not to mention that I was nowhere nearly strong enough to bash Price's stupid head in. The problem, for me at least, was in the intent. I had wanted to hurt Price, really hurt him, and that had  terrified him.

It also kind of terrified me, if I was being completely honest.

I looked up at the heavens, hoping that maybe this time some answer would come from up above. Or at the very least, an alien spaceship would land in the middle of the football field, whereupon I would discover I was distantly related to an advanced alien race, and that they had come to whisk me away from this horrid and primitive planet, and take me back to my rightful homeworld.  

I sighed because, of course, none of that happened. Instead, the stars just glared down at me, judging my dark thoughts silently. 

"Oh, screw you!" I snapped up at them, glaring right back. "No one asked your opinion. Jerks! Actually, you know what? Most of you have probably already died, in a horrific, fiery explosion! Ha! How do ya' like them apples?"

I was well aware that to a random passerby I sounded every bit as unhinged as I felt, shouting my indignation and confusion up at the stars.

Predictably, they just kept twinkling away, completely oblivious or uncaring of the events that went on under their domain. Silent and watchfull as ever. I didn't really blame the stars, or anyone else, tempting as that may be. This mess I found myself in was because of me and my big mouth. Random happenings of Fate were not to blame. I was. 

Book I: to cross oceans for [BxB] (trans) - completedWhere stories live. Discover now