Villains and Frolicking - Sean

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“I am not watching that movie again.” Danny said.

“Oh, come on. It's a great movie, with a great villain.” I countered, waving my fork around, accidentally spraying the table with the goop that passed for food in our cafeteria.

I swore I almost saw the formica top sizzle but it was probably nothing. Just a trick of the light.

“Are the lights brighter in here today, or something?” Keanna asked, her voice low and soft.

I stared at her, momentarily distracted from Danny's completely erroneous opinion on what was undoubtedly one of the best villains of all times.

“I don’t think so. Why?” I asked.

She sighed. It was drawn out and dramatic. I turned to look at Danny, hoping he would have some insight into her mood.

He just shrugged and shook his head. I turned back to Keanna.

“You okay, Kaykay?” I said.

“Ugh, I hate that nickname.”she said, glaring at me. “It sounds like a poodle’s name.”

She scrunched up her nose and took a sip of what I assumed was supposed to be apple juice but looked a little, okay, maybe a lot, like refuse.

I shuddered and fought the urge to knock it out of her hand.

“It's just so shinny. And the way it falls over her shoulder, it's just... dreamy.” She smiled and rested her chin on her hand.

She was staring somewhere over my shoulder. Both me and Danny turned to see who she was ogling and I smiled.

Luna? Luna Gutierrez?” I asked unable to keep the awe from my voice.

“She kisses like a dream.” She mumbled, more to herself than to anyone else.

I gaped at her. “Oh my god! You’re dating Luna?” I asked in a hushed voice, leaning forward on our lunch table. Danny hunched forward too, smiling expectantly.

Keanna fiddled with her plastic utensils and looked a little flustered.

“Was I not supposed to say anything?” I asked a little worriedly.

The last thing I wanted was to put her on the spot. But since she'd been the one to gush about bright lights and shinny hair, I assumed it was okay to comment.

“No, no, it's not that. It's just, we're not dating, per se. We've just sort of hung out a couple of times.” She said blushing furiously.

“And why are we only hearing about this now?” Danny asked.

“It's just... I don’t know, I didn’t want to jinx it, you know? Besides, it's not a big deal. Not a big deal, like, at all. Okay, just... I don’t know.” She stuttered.

Wow, you really like her.” I exclaimed with wide eyes.

How had I missed this? Keanna wasn’t the sort to moon over people she was attracted to. This type of mushy behaviour was only reserved for puppies and romantic comedies.

And Luna Gutierrez, apparently.

“What? No! Don’t be ridiculous. I just like her hair. And I want to braid it and maybe rub it on my face a little bit while I read the poem in dactylic pentameter with 30 or so stanzas I wrote about the play of light and shadows on her silky, silky, strands.” She said with that same dreamy voice.

I gaped at her. Words failing me completely.

“30 stanzas? 30?!” Danny asked, his face mirroring the shock evident in mine.

Book I: to cross oceans for [BxB] (trans) - completedWhere stories live. Discover now