The Wreckage And The Rubble (Part III) - Sean

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TW: there's some mild description of gore in this chapter. Proceed with caution.


A little over five minutes later – we weren't exactly the most punctual people – Danny and I sat on the living room sofa while my mother paced in front of us.

Migh sat on the couch opposite us, presiding over the whole ordeal, her tail swishing lazily from side to side as her gaze followed my mother from one end of the living room to the other.

My knees bounced nervously and I traced the flowery pattern of the couch. Danny's hand reached for mine, intertwining our fingers.

“So,” My mother said loudly, startling our hands apart. “How long has this been going on?”

She stopped in front of us and crossed her arms over her chest. Her green eyes flashed and her curly blonde hair was gathered into a messy bun on the top of her head.

I glanced at Danny, Do we tell her the truth? My eyes asked him.

Your choice, he gave an almost imperceptible shrug.


Tell her then.

Are you kidding me? She'll murder us! I frowned slightly, trying not to let my mother into our silent conversation.

Lie? He arched one eyebrow slightly.

Lie, I decided, giving him a small nod.

I sighed and faced my mother. “Time is such an abstract concept. I mean, it is relative, after all. So, who can really say the precise number of hours all the moments two people spend together sums up to. We're not synched to the International Atomic clocks and during winter when the temperatures drop, all the tiny metallic parts contract, and our watches could be off by as much as a week right now! Isn't that crazy?”

She didn't look impressed by my rambles. Her narrowed gaze shifted from me to Danny.

“About two months,” He caved.

“Betrayer!” I gasped and punched his shoulder.

“I don't lie to authorities,” He protested massaging the spot I'd punched.

I scoffed. “Since when?”

He leaned closer to me and mumbled out of the corner of his mouth. “Since the authority in question my boyfriend's mother.”

Boyfriend?” My mother squeaked.

So that's who I inherited the weird and unusual noises from.

“Yes,” I said slowly. “Boyfriend. Danny is my boyfriend. I am his boyfriend. We, um, w-we are... um...”

“Boyfriends.” Danny finished my sentence for me and interlocked our fingers again.

His eyes found mine and he smiled with so much emotion, those crazy butterflies took flight inside my stomach. I'm pretty sure I sighed dreamily, like a Disney Princess gazing at Prince Charming. And maybe drooled a little bit. Because he was still Danny, and looked like all my favorite wet dreams. Not very romantic, I know, but it was the truth.
My mother cleared her throat, pulling our attention back to her. She sat next to Migh, her hands resting on her knees as she studied us.

I blushed and fidgeted in my seat, making Danny tighten his grip on my hand slightly.

“Danyael,” My mother never used Danny's full first name, so it put me on edge. “Would you give us a minute? I'd like to talk to my son in private.”

Book I: to cross oceans for [BxB] (trans) - completedWhere stories live. Discover now