Murder Clowns, Tequila and Promises - Sean

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“Are you sure we're going the right way?” Keanna asked, looking out the window.

“The GPS lady said to take a left after passing the intersection. I took a left. There's nothing but miles of road in front of us. We're bound to run into him at some point.” I said, tapping a nervous rhythm with my thumbs on the steering wheel. "All we have to do is drive down a dark and, by the looks of it, abandoned road until we run into him. Or the clowns.”

"Clowns? Like Pennywise?" She asked, wringing her hands in her lap, her eyes darting nervously to the side of the road.

"What? No, we're safe from him. Pennywise only eats children." I informed her.

"Pretty sure he eats some older kids in that book."

"Pretty sure you're wrong. Besides, we're not in Maine. Isn't that where he hangs out?" I asked, trying to pay attention to the dark road so that nothing could spring up on us. Including Pennywise. Though I was certain he had more important things to do than harass us.

"Okay. We're not in Maine. All we have to do is drive until we run into Turner." Keanna said, more to herself than to me.

“Yes. Or, you know, until we run into the psychotic clowns covered in blood and holding knives and axes - who we really need to worry about - that are going to murder and/or eat our faces, and strip us of our skins and vital organs and-“

“You know,” Keanna said, interrupting me. “surprisingly, that's not helping!”

“Sorry, I'm just nervous. Apparently I'm not as comfortable driving down dark and abandoned roads as I thought I would be.” I said, huffing out a breath.

“We could just leave them.” Keanna suggested casually.

“What? No, we couldn't.” I said, shaking my head and fiddling with the radio. We were sort of far from town so, there weren't a lot of stations out here.

“No one would know. We could blame it on the clowns.” She said, nodding as she spoke, clearly in favor of this idea.

“We are not going to leave Danny and Turner at the mercy of The Murder Clowns!” I exclaimed. “Turner is out of gas so they wouldn't even be able to get away. I might be mad at them, but they're still –“

I was cut off by a high pitched scream coming from the seat next to mine, that sounded suspiciously like don't eat me, as a figure loomed in front of the car. Well, to the side of the road, really, but it was still kind of terrifying.

I braked abruptly and Keanna and I flew forward, the seat belt cutting into my stomach and neck. Whoever invented seat belts really needed to revise that shit to take into consideration the more vertically challenged guys.

“Oh my god! Is this the part where he eats our faces?” she whisper-shouted.

“I don't know. I think it's just Turner. But it might be entirely possible that he has cannibalistic tendencies.” I whisper-shouted back at her.

A knock on the window made both of us jump and squawk simultaneously. But it turned out to only be Turner. I calmed my breathing and rolled down the window.

“Are you guys okay? I thought I heard a scream.” Turner said in his calm and deep voice.

I blushed and shook my head. But before I could tell him it had just been Keanna panicking over the prospect of running into The Murder Clowns, a loud retching sound echoed in the silence around us.

Turner turned towards where his car was parked on the side of the road and frowned. I just sighed, being all too familiar with that sound.

“Where is he?” I asked, fishing around the backseat for the backpack I always carried with me for these situations.

Book I: to cross oceans for [BxB] (trans) - completedWhere stories live. Discover now