Girl Shaped Monster - Sean

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I was a little nervous, walking the halls on Monday. The weekend had been blissfully uneventful and other than a slight tummy ache due to what Keanna referred to as "weird as balls snack combinations", it was peaceful.

Even with Keanna and Danny flanking me - by Danny's insistence because he was convinced random people would just jump from behind lockers and throw rotten fruit at me - I was a little nervous.

I clutched my safety pins and walked, eyes darting from side to side. I was feeling anxious and antsy and if I could, I would've chosen to be anywhere but back at school.

I could hide away in my room for a few days, right? Or maybe a few weeks. No one would notice.

There was a loud noise next to me that made me squawk. In a very manly way, no matter what anyone says to the contrary.

Keanna chuckled, her hands clasped together after clapping and almost giving me a heart attack.

"Are you trying to get me killed?" I exclaimed, clutching my chest and glaring at her.

She just smiled, completely unfazed by my death stare. I briefly considered dozen revenge scenarios ranging from gluing all of her post its together - since she loved tacking then on every available book page - from kidnapping her favorite shoes and holding them for ransom.

"What?" she asked, batting her ridiculous long eyelashes at me. "There was a bug."

"Really?" I asked skeptically.

"Yes! It was big and scaly and looked like it wanted to eat your face." She said, still staring at me with big round eyes.

I wasn't buying it.

"A scaly bug?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

She nodded and batted her eyelashes again.

"Uh-huh. Suuuure." I said.

She smiled brightly at me and flipped her braids over her shoulder.

Danny chuckled next to me and tried to cover it with a cough.

"Hey! Do not encourage her." I said, pointing a finger menacingly at him.

"Who, me?" he asked, clutching his chest and staring at me with the same big eyes as Keanna.

Except, his softened me a little bit. Because they were big and dark and sparkled a bit underneath the fluorescent lights.

"Oh, my god." Keanna mumbled. "Gross."

I had no idea what she was talking about, because Danny was now batting his eyelashes at me. And had they gotten longer in the last five seconds?

My heart was beating wildly for an entirely different reason now. I wanted to lick his face. Or have him lick mine. Again.

Remembering the Pantry Melting incident made me blush and stutter random sounds that if put together barely made up a word.

Keanna sighed. "It's way too early for this." She grumbled.

I glared at her again but the effect was somewhat lost due to me trying to rid myself of the ghost feelings of Danny's tongue on my face.

We made our way to class and although I would never admit it to her, Keanna's little stunt had put me somewhat at ease. A few people stared at us, but I was used to that. Some of the minions scattered on the halls glared and called us some choice words but it was nothing I wasn't used to either.

So we walked on unperturbed.

And then, music class happened. Or, rather us walking to music class happened.

Book I: to cross oceans for [BxB] (trans) - completedWhere stories live. Discover now