Pizza Is Good For The Soul - Sean/Danny

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Some mild mature content in this chapter.





My mom usually liked to take Matty, Danny and I to the mall when we were kids.

I always loved going, staring up in awe at all the different colors and things. I marvelled at the idea of all that stuff existing in the same space.

One time, when I was eleven, mom took us to the mall because she wanted to buy new shoes.

"But you already have more shoes than feet! Why do you need another one?" I asked, terribly put out because we were being dragged to buy shoes when there was a perfectly good toy store within reach.

"You'll understand when you're all grown up. Now behave and I'll buy you ice cream later."

I'd like to say that I wasn't that easily bribed. But I can't. Ice cream is and has always been my one true weakness.

So, with the promise of ice cream, we all sat down outside of the dressing room while my mom tried on not only shoes, but a whole outfit.

Something colorful hovering on the edge of my vision caught my attention and I turned to see what it was. It was a bright yellow balloon.

See, I've never been very fond of balloons, because they remind me of clowns. And clowns are just downright creepy.

At first, I thought the balloon was just floating by itself in the women's section of the store. Which, you know, weird. But then a kid walked from behind a clothes rack, clutching the string the balloon was attached to.

The kid was laughing at something and then he let out a loud whoop as someone called him and let go of the string.

I sat there, considering what to do. I could still see the kid and I thought about how sad he would get once he realized he'd lost his balloon.

So naturally, because I am a good person, I got up after telling Matty and Danny I was just going to return the balloon, and would be right back.

And of course, that's when everything went wrong. Because truly, no good deed goes unpunished.

Because out of nowhere, appeared a clown.

There I was, innocently reaching for the colorful balloon when, out of nowhere, the freaking clown popped up, smiling at me with razor sharp teeth and waving his claws in my face.
Maybe in hindsight, he didn't actually have sharp teeth or claws. But that was all my eleven year-old brain saw when he jumped in front of me and asked in the most terrifying voice if I wanted a balloon.

Naturally, when faced with such an abomination, I did what any rational human being would do. I screamed, punched him in the nose and ran away as fast as I could in the opposite direction.

And promptly got lost. Instead of doing the smart thing, which probably, in this case, would've been to just stand up and start screaming my mom's name at the top of my lungs, I tried to find my way back to the store my mom, Matty and Danny were.

And ended up even more lost than before. I wandered, careful not to be noticed by any adult, vicous clowns or whatever other horrible creatures inhabited the mall, until I came upon a bookstore.

I sighed in relief, knowing that nothing terrible would happen in the cozy safety of the bookstore. I'd even have a bunch of books to keep me company.

Book I: to cross oceans for [BxB] (trans) - completedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora