The Games We Play - Sean/Danny

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I was suffocating. Or at least thought I was. Because there was a large furry body on top of my chest.

“Migh.” I whined, scrunching my face up.

The one year old Tabby cat was lounging on top of my chest. She meowed innocently as I opened my eyes and glared at her.

“You're not as good of an alarm clock as you seem to think you are.” I mumbled, scratching her ear.

She meowed again, her tail swishing lazily from side to side. I sighed and closed my eyes.

The cool calm of the morning was shattered when I remembered the hellish anxious week I was having.

It had been a few days since Price and Parker had tried to teach me "how to be a man". And since they found out about me. That I was trans.

Over the past few days I'd been walking on egg shels, waiting for the other shoe to drop. But so far, nothing had happened.

The bullying hadn't stopped but it hadn't gotten worse either. Or physical, for that matter. Granted, Danny and Keanna were guarding me with unparalelled zeal. Maybe the Blonde Barbie Brigade and their sidekicks, the Peas, hadn't had an opportunity to strike at me. Somehow, I thought that was unlikely.

I scrubbed a hand over my face and sighed, making Migh blink rapidly against my breath blowing over her face. I chuckled and scratched her ear again.

"Sorry pocket tiger." I said.

Waiting for Price and Parker to make their move fucking sucked. My nerves were frayed and I was constantly on edge. My mood swings had also been at their all time worse. Danny and Keanna were honestly saints for putting up with me.

Keanna - after announcing my hickeys to the rest of the school by shouting ‘Oh, my god! Why does it look like a vacuum cleaner went down on you?’ and then squealing after I mumbled and sttutered my way through an explanation about me and Danny - had been patient for the first two days. Danny had – against my wishes – told her what the Ps had done to me – and she had promised to not let me out of her sight and to follow me even into the bathroom stall, if that's what it took to keep the evil monster at bay.

But she drew the line at me wearing a desguide to school that included, but was not limited to, a beard and thick rimmed glasses. She also told me to either improve my mood on my own or have it improved by her. Since I had no desire to see what mood therapy from Keanna would look like, I'd done my best to not jump at my friends' throat every five seconds.

Needless to say, it had been a long fucking week.

But today was Friday and I was nervous about going to school, same as I'd been all the other days. But there was also the hopeful undercurrent that maybe nothing would happen and that I would be able to enjoy movie night with my friends and have a great stress-free weekend.

And also make out with Danny's face at every available opportunity.

Because that was apparently a thing now. We didn't kiss under the guise of practicing anymore – thank fuck.

We just kissed because we wanted to. There wasn't really a label to what we were. And I didn't want to think too hard on that. I was enjoying just having this closeness to him.

My phone pinged with a message and I wiped what I was sure was a goofy smile off of my face. Thinking of Danny did that to me.

And speak of the devil.

Danny: your face.

Me: uhum?

Danny: i want it.

Book I: to cross oceans for [BxB] (trans) - completedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz