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  • Присвячено Linda Stahl

..I laid dazed on the aching rumble looking around in shock all I could remember were the red lights,flashing, screams and blood. Everywhere.  

"Where am I??" I managed to utter these words under my breath. As I gazed around I saw a tiny foot protruding out of a hill combined with ash and dirt. I slowly got onto my knees and dug my fingers into the earth to see who this was. Ron. My little brother, semi buried under the Earth with his eyes closed and his mouth open.  

" NO NOOO" I shouted into the night sky, I shook and shook but he would not manage to move.


"SCHOOLS OUT,HELL YEAH!" I exclaimed. Summer 2012,Senior year baby! as I picked up my phone and immediately texted my best guy friend, Jordan, that was already vacationing in London. Out texts read:

"Dammit Jordan, not fair that your school got out a week earlier!"

"Well,I did have to take IB exams. That was living hell!"

"oh true hahah sucks for you! Well guess what? ;)"


"Guess where im going today"

"uhmm idk beach?"

"NO. School got out like 1 hour ago and I wanted to surprise you by saying that I convinced my mom to let me go to the UK!!"

"What! Nah.ah.! Dude yes! that?s awesome! Want to meet me in London? We can go site seeing together!.. When you coming?"

"im getting on the plane today at around 3.Shit that means I have 1hr to get ready! Ill txt ya l8r! :D"


I got in the shower, did my usual routine and put on some clothes that I thought would be comfy for a long plane ride and something cool enough to beat this Tampa weather.


As I was getting dressed, I was jamming out to this new band I found online called One Direction when my favorite song came on. I grabbed a hairbrush and started singing "Give you this give you that, blow a kiss take it back."

"Emily shut up and hurry!" Ron cried from next door. The only reason my mom helped me pay for the fees is because I had to bring my little brother Ron.

"Flight leaves at 3, that means we have like 30 minutes. LETS GO.? I screamed. I grabbed my suitcase and  


"C'mon you little brat lets go" Ron hurriedly scuffled after me, he runs so funny, his blond curls bouncing up and down and his light blue eyes shining with delight, he's only 8 but really mature for his age. I jumped in the car, Ron bouncing in right after wards.  

"Keys where are my keys? grr I left them stay here don?t touch anything okay?. Ron nodded back in agreement. I ran up the stairs grabbed my keys, Crap, I almost forgot my iPhone and flew down the stairs. "Let's go" I winked at Ron.

As a plopped into my first class seat (that my mom helped to pay,of course) on the plane, I turn around an saw that Rons' seat is 3 rows behind me, "okay, I gotta keep an eye out on him.ugh" Thank goodness for technology, I text him saying

"lol, im watching you :P"and I stare at him until I see he received my text.

"Whatever!!!" he replied. I laughed, plugged in my headphones and scrolled through my twitter until I get tapped on the shoulder.

"' ello,lovely! I see we're plane buddies!" this mysterious blonde guy with some sort of Irish accent said to me. "Oh hi! Seems like we are! Im Emily by the way!" I responded. He said something but I couldn't catch it because I put my headphones back on before he replied.  

"This is your captain speaking, please turn off all cellular phone devices due to the fact that we are departing now. Thank you for choosing Virgin Atlantic, our flight should be approxmiently 9 and a half hours, so get comfy." The captains voice rang throughout the plane, but silly me I always have my music way too loud, so I didn't hear any of the directions until a flight attendant tapped me on the shoulder.  



Welcome to another fanfic,fellow reader :D

Im @Steph_Arauz and my co-author @Tennisproz is currently in Key west so im stuck drafting the 2 chapters she wrote. ANYWAYSSS I shall post a trailer for this story on youtube possibly tonight depending on the time i get back home. I hope you all like this story, cause its a pain in the ass to write sometimes to be honest but im just doing it for the fun of it... That made no sense but whatever. Oh fyi we dont look back and correct anything because this isnt a proffesion of mine... Hahaha... i prefer math over writing... BUT if it does get a bit too not-understandable please let me know :D... My writing skills suck but ey,what the hell. Why nott write a story, just for fucks sake

Let me know on twitter if you guys want anything to happen troughout the story... its all about the audience :)

Thank you all<3


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