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As we pulled over to Nandos, Niall whispered in my ear “Act calm there’s going to be a bunch of flashing lights and some fans.” We stepped out of the car and immediately the flashing started. I was so dazed as the bright lights hit my eyes. Why do they wanna take pictures of us? Did we do something wrong? Wait, did he say…”fans?” does that mean were famous? Am I famous? What the-

I noticed I started trembling he grabbed my hand and shouted over the fans screaming.

”Its alright babe just smile and lets walk” He led me into Nandos and immediately we were greeted by  the hostess. 

“Ah Niall you’re here and who’s this lucky Lady?”  the hostess asked, with the name tag I guess her name is Jennifer

“This is Emily, can you take us to our tables?”

 “Well that’s my job they’re in the back come on” Niall took my my hand and we went over to the tables.

“SOOOO EMILY! Do you remember our names?!” Louis asked

“uhhh lemme think-” I started to say when of course Louis interrupted

 “This is Harry, this is Zayn,  Liam and I’m Jennifer”. I just started to crack up when I heard that. “Glad to make you laugh love you look like you need it.”

 “Hahaha thanks “Jennifer”, it’s just that what the hell happened over there? Outside.?”  I replied to Louis. 

“ I remember my first time being photographed  I was so photogenic hahaha just kidding, I blinked.

Just enjoy the rollercoaster that is life and let it take you wherever.” Zayn told me while taking a sip of his Coke. I sat down with them but of course tripped over the leg of the table. Of course falling felt like slow motion but I noticed a pair of hands wrap around my waist. I was so close to hitting the floor and I stared up at my rescuer.

 Niall winked and shouted “Wow Emily are you alright, bit clumsy there.” 

“Hahaha ya” I said as he slowly pulled me up. I climbed in the seat trying to hide my blushed face. 

“Awww Emily’s blushing, you embarrassed?” Harry said. I tried my best to give him a dirty look but it utterally failed and turned into my obnoxious laugh. Oh gosh I thought my laugh has been realized to the word , great. Louis looked at me and said 

“Wow quite a laugh you got there its….. HILARIOUS hahaha” and immediately everyone at the table laughed.“

“Everything’s so expensive here.” I remarked.

”Nah, just get whatever you like” Niall said. 

The waitress came over and asked us what we wanted. I ordered the Burger with chips, and a wrap. 

“Wow you have an appetite me likey” 

Niall said while winking at me , I giggled covering my mouth with my hair. 

“Okay lets get down to business” Liam broke the silence

“uhm..erm..Emily do you uhm have anything left from the crash?” Harry stated

“CHECK YOUR POCKETS!” Louis rushed then Niall butted in “The lads from the Hangover did that after they lost their memory from the night before!”

I looked at guys with the most puzzled look ever but I check my pockets. I find some plane tickets, my phone (with what seemed to have ten thousand cracks but seems to be working), and a piece of paper with an address written on it.

"Woah wuddup with your cell?" Harry asked

"This is mine?" I recalled

"Well...I'm not sure we would have Niall iPhone cases..besides I own a blackberry" Louis cheekly retorted

As I blushed and looked down I tried to unlock the iphone. Success! I'm glad I didn't put a passcode on it or else this would of failed. Anyways, as we wait for our food to be serve all the guys scoot up around me to see what I have on my phone. 10 new texts,and 19 missed calls. 

"Who texted ya?" Niall asked

"Uhm so guy named 'Jordan :D' sent 5 texts, my mom called 19 times but sent no text, and the other 5 texts are from just randos I guess" I replied as I stared open minded at the phone. I exited out and clicked on some app called "twitter." 

"Oooh you have a twittuh?" Zayn asked

"Oh imma follow you! What's your username?" Louis wondered

"We'll uhm..-" "its @XxEmilyxX, I was already following her because we chatted on twitter back at the plane" Niall answered for me

Suddenly my phone starts to vibrate. 4 new notifications from the "twitter" app. 

@Harry_Styles and 4 others are now following you. I clicked on the box and it mentioned my newest followers:






I looked up and smiled at them I and responded with a simple but not boring "yey" 

"Uh how the hell does this work?" I asked

As Liam was the closest to me he grabbed his phone out and showed me the basics of how to use the app. Then I see Harry taking a picture.

"Are you one of those papparazi people too?" I naively asked

"Haha nope" he simply replied

Then suddenly me and liam are looking down at our phones

"@Harry_Styles: @XxEmilyxX this right here, what @Real_Liam_Payne is showing you is a phone,sweety.   #emilyisdumb"

Liam shoots him a stink eye.

"Wuht?" Harry asked

"Don't be rude!" Liam hushed

"Sorry..." Harry muttured

I exited out the twitter and opened the messenger app. 10 new texts. I clicked on the thread that had the most texts: Jordan

Da fuq..who is he? Why did he send me the most texts? Is he my boyfriend,brother,cousin?

My brother... Im still so confused on what happened. No one has seem to answer my questions. It makes me even more confused and frustrated! I need to get some answers. Maybe this Jordan guy can help me answer them.


Hello to anyone reading this!

Ill be making some sort of trailer for this soon because i really want this story to get more votes and reads. There are two authors in this story, Linda (@tennisproz) and Myself (@Steph_Arauz) so not all chapters are written by the same person. Thank you so much if your reading this and i hope you guys enjoy reading this (if anyone is reading this xD)

P.S We dont go back and correct any mistakes, sorry we just dont have the time considering that we have school coming up again in less than 2 weeks. I haven even finished 1 of my 3 summer reading books -__-.... So yeah. 

Bai :D


~Forgetting You Feat.Niall Horanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن