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You know that feeling you get when you think some ones watching you? Yup I’m feeling that right now. I turned around and just glared into the darkness of the night. Okay I thought just keep walking you’re going to come to Niall soon. I walked about 10 steps when I heard it… footsteps. I glared back and saw no one and walked a little faster now. I reached Niall’s door and looked back one last time. I thought I saw something in the bushes… wait… Is that a pair of eyes watching me? The shivers immediately started but I tried to keep calm and began to bang on the door. Nothing. I quickly remembered that one of the boys slipped me a key before I left Nando’s.  I immediately  searched my pockets for the key. Yes! I nervously shook as I tried to put the key into the keyhole. When I finally got it (Giggity…) I closed the damn door that seemed to gain 69000 pounds as I tried to close it shut. I looked out the window and saw a  shadow swiftly disappear. 

I rushed up the stairs screaming “NIALL, NIALL WHERE ARE YOU….I’m scared” I walked down the hallway and looked through a door nothing.

 “Mmph” I screamed as hand grabbed my mouth. 

“Shhh” I turned around and saw Niall his eyes filled with sacredness. 

“Niall” I whispered and hugged him letting his sent fill my nose.

” What’s happening” I asked. 

“I don’t know, there was a knock on the door I thought it was just another fan so I let it be, but then the knocking got louder and harder. I looked out the window and I saw a guy in a mask. I was afraid to open it and then he yelled saying he wanted you, you belong to him. I ran up the stairs not really knowing what to do and then the door banged down. I hid in here. I thought you were still at Jordan’s?”

 “No we got in a fight and I left, I can’t believe he was my best friend. I went to your house when I saw somebody. I’m really scared and I just don’t know what to do” 

“It’s alright I called the police before you came in they’re coming to the house right now. “ Niall whispered. I cried in his shoulder as he slowly petted my hair.

 “C’mon lets go out of the closet you know what always helps me get through scary times?” I shook my head. “FOOD!” I started to smile. I knew how much Niall loved his food. “Stay here he told me let me go get something out of the fridge. You like ice cream? Ice cream solves everything.” I brushed a tear aside and nodded. When Niall left my phone started buzzing . I picked it up and read Jordan. 

Txt messages

 “Sorry bout that fight, are we still besties :/ ?”

 I texted back “Sorry I can’t text right now I’m with Niall and I’m kinda scared”

“…Why what happened?” it took him a while to respond, I guess he was pissed that I was with Niall. I just don’t understand why he doesn’t like the boys. I know he has anger management to work with but I don’t know… Jordan needs to get his act together.

“There was just a crazy man he’s gone now so it’s alright but seriously I can’t text as of right now we’re just friends alright.”

“Sure thing suga thing hahaha jk I would never like you in that way txt tomorrow?

I ignored that last part just as Niall came walking through the door holding a movie and a big carton of chocolate ice cream. “O my that can’t be it is! GREASE yes MOTHA FRESHA sorry I love that movie.” “Hahaha motha fresha?” He tried to pronounce but couldn’t because of his Irish accent. I burst out laughing “Hahahahaha I’m trying to stop my cursing sometimes I can control it sometimes I can’t.” “Hahaha I love Grease too it’s my favorite movie.” “Well pop that sucker in” I said. He put it in and immediately sat down next to me put his arms around me as I cuddled into this chest. “Oh this is my favorite part, I wish I could sing it. I sighed. He stared at me smiled and sang “summer lovin I gave you my heart” hearing that angelic voice made my heart skip a beat. Niall was such an amazing singer. I joined in and urgh my voice was crocking. “You sing beautiful” he said looking me straight in the eyes. “Hahaha thanks I wish” “No you honestly do” He sincerely said. At that moment my heart stopped, I slowly leaned in and so did he and we kissed. My first kiss I thought, guess I’m not forever alone. Little did I know that the mysterious figure was still nearby, to be exact right outside the window in the tree. Jealousy raged through him and he jumped down the tree, avoided the cops again and ran off into the shadows.


Hey Guys! Steph here

Well to be honest, i didnt add anything to this chapter so this is all @Tennisproz's work. 

Sorry if its a short chapter! Usually theyre like 4 pages on word but this one is barely 2 pages. I promise its going to get better soon :D 

OH and ugh either i have a really picky taste or ive read too many fanfics because i honestly dont like the "Watching a movie/cuddling" scene... but its  what Linda wrote so i just left it.


Its pretty good for something i made in 2 hours without any effort...being honest here hahaha


QUESTION OF LE DAY: "DID ANYONE SEE THE CLOSING CEREMONY?" Cause i didnt.. was playing xbox...oops?

Hahahaha gotta love Assasins Creed: Brotherhood

Love you guys have an awesome *insert time of day* 


~Forgetting You Feat.Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now