friends.. or more? (jack j)

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your pov:
you are best friends with jack and you secretly have had a crush on him for ages, but you knew he wouldn't feel the same.

jack pov:
im best friends with Y/N i like her more than a friend but i doubt she will to, but tonight im taking her to the theme park, and im going to admit my feelings to her.

your pov (again!):
jack invited me to the theme park this evening, and i was going to admit my feelings to him and see what he says and hope he feels the same way about me as i do about him.

' hey jack!' you say as he picks you up from your house.
'heyyy ready to go?!' he smiles.
' yup' you said, popping the P.
he grabs your wrist and walks next to you to the fair.
' omg jack there is a ferris wheel!' you are TERRIFIED of ferris wheels! and he knows is!
' oh yes, Y/N we have to go on it at 12.00 okay?'
' what, NO jack, you dare make me' i say
' ill be there, you will be fine!' he says wrapping his arm around your waist, as a friend. but you wanted it to be more.

skip to 12 a'clock.

'Y/N guess what time it is' he says raising an eyebrow!
' not 12.00!' you say hoping.
' yes it is!' he says grabbing your hands and leading you to the line for the wheel.
' jack, i really dont want to' i say
' hey hey hey, you have to' he replys
' but jack im terrified!' i say trying to get out of the line.
' nope' he says popping the P.

' hello. would you like a couple cart or normal.' says the woman.
'nor-' i got cut of by jack saying
'couple' jack says smiling at me
i look at him confused but shrug it off, does he feel the same way?

we were at the top of the wheel and jack took my chin and turned my head to face him.

'Y/N i have something to say, i know we are best friends and i love you so much and i love spending time with you, and i want to tell you, i have feelings for you and i want to be with you all the time, not just as friends, as a girlfriend boyfriend thing, Y/N will you make me happy and be my girlfriend?' he starts scratching his neck.
' jack, i feel the exact same way' you say with tears pricking to your eyes.
'YESSS' he shouts pumping his fists into the air. 'is that a yes???' he asked his smile starting to form
' OF CAUSE!!' i say holding his cheek gently and kissing him passionately.
' finally' he whispers

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