Todo's Birthday( Part 1)

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 XBlood is doing everything in her power to give Todo the best first birthday ever. 

XBlood: Make sure we have clowns people. The child needs to laugh.

Sai: We have Alois and Ciel

XBlood: You're right. Someone get some makeup on those two. 

Ciel: Like hell, you are doing that. And plus don't kids get afraid of clowns when they first encounter them?

XBlood: Todo is different from any other kid though. He is half ghoul. By the way, make sure all my enemies' limbs and arms are on the ghoul buffet table.

Rayn: *Todo in hand* Girl is this even necessary? I mean I was kind of thinking Ayato was right. He's not going to remember this.

XBlood: Sssh child. We can always take pictures. Plus, it's not only a memory for the kid but for the parent as well. 

Ayato: *comes in with 2 bags and eating something* Okay. I got a gift for him in one bag. His outfit in the other. Come here Todo. *grabs Todo from me* Time to get you in the bath and then into your clothes. Can someone take the gift bag?

Rin takes the bag.

Todo: babebebebe baba

Ayato: Hey no back talk. *gives Todo a raspberry on the tummy* 

Todo starts to laugh. 

Rayn: Ayato who were you eating?

Ayato: That female dog you hated in high school.

Rayn: Which one?

Ayato: I forgot but all of them taste the same. So bitter and stupid.

Ayato walks off. 

Rayn: See? Ayato is a good father.

Rin: Okay. I take back what I said. But I still would have made a better one.

Ayato: *yells* Rin, you lucky it's my child's birthday and I am in a good mood or else I would have killed you.  

Rayn: So who is going to be taking pictures? 

XBlood: You are love.

Rayn: I would have thought you got someone I don't know professional.

XBlood: Girl I don't have money. 

Rayn: Then how the hell did you afford the giant Spongebob Balloon? 

Sai: She went into the house's rent money.

XBlood: Sai!

Rayn: I'm going to whoop your ass kid. 

XBlood: I love you. Do you want to see what we have so far?

Rayn: Might as well. I can get some pictures.

XBlood: So right here we have the buffet. We have human food and ghoul food. See I thought of everyone?

Rayn: You didn't think of my damn wallet.

XBlood: Shut up! I will pay you later.

In the bathroom.

Ayato: Okay Todo. Time for you to take your bath. *Strips Todo naked* Now stay put while daddy runs the water. 

Todo stays still. Ayato runs the water. He makes the bubble bath.

Ayato: Okay Todo. It's time for your bath. * lifts Todo up and puts him in the bath* Eeew. I know that wasn't you smelling like that. *sniffs pits* Yep it's me. Stay put kid. I need to lay out some clothes for myself. *runs into other room*

Todo starts to play with the bubbles. Ayato comes back in the bathroom.

Ayato: I didn't realize I had stank so much. It's probably because I've been running around everywhere.*takes off clothes* Scoot over, kid. *gets in the bath with Todo* Okay first you get washed. Come over here, so daddy can clean you. 

Ayato starts to clean Todo. Surprisingly, he's not kicking at Ayato. 

Ayato: Let's wash your hair while we are in here. *grabs shampoo* 

He starts to wash Todo's hair. Some of it gets in his eye and he starts to cry.

Ayato: I'm sorry Todo. Daddy didn't mean it. *wipes soap out of Todo's eye* See? Do you feel better? I'm sorry. Daddy will try next time not to get it in your eye. Okay since you are basically cleaned. I guess it's daddy's turn. 

Todo stands up and grabs the towel. He tries to walk over to Ayato to wash him but ends up stepping on something he's not supposed to. Ayato tries his best not to scream, so he won't scare his one-year-old son. He just picks him up and sits him down.

Ayato: God dang, it that hurt. I appreciate the effort Todo. But if you keep it up, you won't have any siblings.  Just play in the water. *holds his area*

Rayn:*comes out of nowhere snaps a picture* Aaah. Look at my two boys.

Ayato: *still in pain* delete it.

Rayn: What's wrong with you?

Ayato: Todo just stepped on my dingaling and it hurts.

Rayn: I mean I am impressed that you been on a noncursing spree for Todo's sake.  Plus, it wouldn't have been stepped on if it wasn't so long.

Ayato: Hey, keep it kid-friendly. Anyways, you can take him out. I'm basically done with his washing. I jumped in here because I stink.

Rayn: I got him.*gets towel and picks up Todo* Mommy got you. Are his clothes still in the bag?

Ayato: No. I laid them on the bed. 

XBlood: *comes in without knocking* Hey Rayn did y- Damn Ayato.

Ayato: *embarrassed, covers self with curtain* Don't you knock dummy?!?!

XBlood: Don't worry I didn't see below the belt, but man aren't you built? 

Ayato: I don't care what you saw, get out.

Gou: *comes in* Wow. He's more perfect than Haru, Makoto, Rei, Nagisa, and Rin if I say so myself.

Rin:*comes in* Like hell he is.

Hikaru and Kaoru: * come in* Not bad.

Alois:*comes in*  He must have started working out when Rayn started to show affection for Rin. 

Rayn: *sees Ayato getting mad* Oh god.*yells* Everyone out!!! Now! *pushes everyone out the bathroom*

Rayn leaves the bathroom along with everyone else.

Rayn: You guys can't be doing that to him. If he were to actually say something, we would have all been hurt.

Gou: I don't know what the big deal is.

Hikaru: Yeah we were giving him a compliment.

Rayn: That doesn't matter. He was uncomfortable due to the fact that he was naked. How would you guys feel if someone walked in on you naked and complimented your body?

Gou: I would feel like that person is a perv.

Rayn: Exactly. So that's how he was feeling.

Hikaru: I mean I would take the compliment.

Kaoru: Yeah. It doesn't matter.

Rayn: Okay. How about if someone walked in on Haruhi?

Hikaru: Okay never mind.

Kaoru: Yeah. We get the picture.

Rayn: So guys please respect his privacy. 

Todo:*loud* abbbbbbbbrrrr ddfhdjfdk

Rayn: See? Even Todo said to respect his daddy's privacy. Let's get you into some clothes, birthday boy.  

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