IT'S FUCKING HERE!!!!!!!!!!!

14 1 3

Me: *hyperventilating* Oh my fuck god. Bitch!

Ayato: Okay that's strange. I know you don't have asthma. 

XBlood: *crying* I thought I was going to have to wait another year.

Sai: *playing Overwatch* Another year for what?

Me: Y'all just don't understand how many years I waited for this moment.

Ayato: Sai do you know what they are talking about?

Sai: No clue.

XBlood: *tears of joy* I'm just so happy!


Me and XBlood hugs and cries.

Ayato: Weird asses.

Sai: Just let them be. Even if it is getting annoying.

Me: Do you not what today is?!!

Ayato: April Fool's day right. Second favorite holiday next to Halloween. I mixed soda in the coffee maker, so Touka and Kaneki will be in for a big surprised.

Sai: Why are you so mean to your sister?


Ayato: I wouldn't call it dysfunctional. Just sad.

Me: Bro. Bro. Bro.

XBlood: What up man? What up?

Me: *silence*

Ayato and Sai:????

Me: I'm literally dead*falls back*

XBlood: *catches me* Bro you can't die now. You can't die. This is a reason to live. Light is shining for a new day. All we need is for Donald Trump and his racist, homophobic bitch of a vice president out of office.

Me: I can't believe this. I thought it was going to be an April fool's prank, but it's actually here.

Ayato: God fucking dammit Rayna Simone M-

Me: Don't say my whole name like that. What's wrong with you?

Ayato: WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!?  What's wrong with you?!?!?!

XBlood: We will give you a hint: Who's not here today?

Sai: Do you want me to check this whole entire place to answer that?

Me: Yes.

Ayato: You got me fucked all the way up!

Sai: Tell us please what's going on.

XBlood: Before we do, take a seat.

Ayato: WHY?

Me: Because you are going to fall when you here this.

Both of them sit down.

Sai: Okay now what

XBlood: We will warn you this information will cause the following side effects to you two and the people reading this: 


Me: Tears of joy and relief

XBlood: Fainting

Me: Heart racing

XBlood: The strange urge to hug everyone you see

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