Holy Balls

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Me: Okay I know I keep saying I will do this next chapter but holy balls! I can't at this moment and you want to know why?

XBlood: Why?

Me: You heard of Boku no Hero Academia

XBlood: I'm pretty sure everyone has.

Me: Don't sass me! Anyways, people have been telling me about it like crazy so I'm currently watching it and holy balls I want a quirk.

Sai: What's a quirk?

Me: Basically a super power. You see people can discover their quirk at a very young age. If I had a quirk it would probably be something psychological. No wait I want to work with lightning.

XBlood: Or you can produce clones like in the video.

Me: Nah. Besides that's not even what I wanted. I told my friend I wanted to be the lightning goddess, but he made me have clones. 

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