Sleepover Prt 2

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Me: Okay now that I have gained consciousness after loosing most of my blood from the Sakamaki brothers-

Laito: If it helps, you are quite delicious.

Me: Anyways, it's time to play a game.

Honey senpai: What kind of game?

Me: Doesn't matter.

Miroku: How about spin the bottle?

Me: Perfect. Everyone knows how it works right? *bottle magically appears* Everyone has a turn spinning the bottle and whoever the bottle lands on you gotta kiss. I suggest the youngest first. Go Wendy. Everyone in a circle. * places the bottle on the ground*

Wendy: But I have never kissed anyone. Okay. *spins the bottle*

The bottles lands on Ciel.

Me: Okay Wendy and Ciel. Cendy. Okay get to kissing. It don't have to be long.

Wendy and Ciel kiss each other.

Wendy: Oh that wasn't that bad.

Me: Haru's turn. 

Haru spins the bottle and it lands on Juvia.

Me: Oh this is perfect. Jaru. And Haru she is made out of water. The fairy tail girls are at a good start.

Juvia: But Juvia's heart belongs to Gray.

Me:*rips off Haru's shirt and throws water on him* Look at the magic.

Haru runs his fingers through his wet hair.

Juvia: *blushes* I guess Juvia can try kissing Haru.

Haru and Juvia kiss and then look at each other.

Juvia: Your eyes.....they're gorgeous.

Haru: *runs fingers through Juvia's hair* Your hair is so soft.

Me: I think I am playing match maker today. Yukine your turn.

Yukine spins the bottle and it lands on Yang.

Me: Talk about blonde squad.Umm I think that would be YanKine

Yang: Don't be afraid Yuki. It's just a kiss.

Yukine: Right.

Yang kisses Yukine.

Yang: See was that hard?

Yukine: Actually it was kinda nice.

Me: I'm loving this. Miyuki you are up.

Miyuki: Okay.*spins the bottle*

It lands on Kyoya.

Me: Oh my god/kami/yato/ freaking everything. This is a cute couple. Miyoya.

Miyuki and Kyoya starts kissing for a long time.

Me: Okay break it up.

Konata: Hey give the bottle to Kagami so she can finally get a boyfriend.

Kagami: Oh shut up and let me spin. *spins the bottle*

It lands on Hikaru.

Me: You know what. I just think the boys from Ouran High School Host Club are destined to be with the girls from Lucky Star because I find this so adorable. That means that Tsuakasa will have Kaoru and I guess Konata will get Mori? I don't know where that one is going to go.

Hikaru and Kagami kiss.

Shiro: It's my turn! *spins the bottle*

It lands on Laito.

Me: *_* well this ShiLa? I never expected this one.

Laito: Yes crawl on your knees little puppy.

Shiro: I'm a poodle! Woof!

Laito: Indeed you are.* kisses shiro*

Me: I guess this is going to work out. I mean both of them are sadist. 

Watari: Okay it's my turn. Daddy needs some smooches. *spins the bottle*

It lands on Krista.

Watari: Hey you are cute.

Krista: Thank you.

Ymir: Like hell you are kissing my Krista! 

Me:*thinks* should I blow on the bottle and make it land on Annie? Eww why did I even invite Annie? Maybe Mikasa would like Watari. Then again, she likes Eren. You know what lemme just see where Krista and Watari goes. *generates a whip and ties Ymir* *talks* Okay get to kissing. Ymir just close your eyes.

Watari kisses Krista.

Ymir: Alright now get him away from her!

Me: Hey Rin. I think it's your turn to spin.

Rin(Free!): Oh I thought you wanted one person per anime. Alright than.

Me: * thinks* Poor fool. I am going to make sure that the bottle lands on Rogue. I think they would be perfect.

Rin starts spinning the bottle. I begin to control the bottle and make it land on Rouge.

Rin: I guess I gotta spin again.

Me: Nope. Now kiss. *holds up the camera*

Rogue: I am not kissing him.


Rin: *turns the bottle my way* Look Rayn. I guess it wasn't finished spinning. *puts down my camera* I guess I'll be kissing you then.

Me:* thinks* Okay this is hard. Do I wanna see some Yaoi action or do I wanna get kissed by Rin. I am so troubled.

Rin: Pucker up.

Me: Hold up I am in a thought right now!

Rin: Come on Rayn you know you want to kiss me.

Me: But I love Yaoi.

Rin: Well I don't.

Me: But-

Rin: *whispers in my ear* Let's make Ayato regret acting up.

Me: (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) God your voice is so soothing. * grabs Rin by his hair and dip kiss him*

Rogue: Thank god I didn't have to kiss him.

Momo: Since you guys are going to be kissing all night can I spin?

Rin: *mumbles* Go ahead Momo.

Momo spins the bottle and it lands on Kofuku.

Me: *drops Rin* I guess that's an okay shipping.

Rin: Did you not care about my head hitting the floor?

Me: I did. *kisses Rin's head*

Momo kiss Kofuku.

Momo: I think I am in love.

Gou: Finally he is away from me.

Me: Wait for it.

Kofuku: You know I am charging you for the kiss?

Momo: How much?

Kofuku: ¥5 million.

Momo: WHAT!!!

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